P. 4
Tuesday 30 May 2017
Portland mayor calls for cancellation of free-speech rally
By MARTHA BELLISLE in court Tuesday.
Associated Press The federal government
The mayor of Portland, Or- has issued a permit for the
egon, on Monday urged free-speech rally Saturday
U.S. officials and organizers and has yet to give a per-
to cancel a “Trump Free mit for an event June 10.
Speech Rally” and similar The mayor says his main
events, saying they are concern was the partici-
inappropriate could be pants “coming to peddle
dangerous after two men a message of hatred,” say-
were stabbed to death on ing hate speech is not pro-
a train as they tried to help tected by the Constitution.
a pair of young women A Facebook page for the
targeted by an anti-Muslim event says there would be
tirade. speakers and live music
Mayor Ted Wheeler said in “one of the most liberal
he hopes the victims will areas on the West Coast.”
inspire “changes in the po- It features Kyle Chapman,
litical dialogue in this coun- who describes himself as
try.” an American nationalist
Taliesin Myrddin Nam- and ardent supporter of
kai Meche, 23, and Ricky President Donald Trump.
John Best, 53, were killed Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler speaks during a press conference in Portland, Ore. Wheeler on Mon- Chapman was arrested at
as they tried to stop Jer- day urged U.S. officials and organizers to cancel a “Trump Free Speech Rally” and similar events, a March 4 protest in Berke-
emy Joseph Christian from saying they are inappropriate could be dangerous after two men were stabbed to death on a ley, California.
harassing the women, one train as they tried to help a pair of young women targeted by an anti-Muslim tirade. Trump condemned the
(AP Photo/Don Ryan) stabbing, writing Monday
of whom was wearing a on Twitter: “The violent at-
hijab, authorities say. An- tacks in Portland on Friday
other who stepped in was are unacceptable. The
seriously injured. victims were standing up
Christian’s social media to hate and intolerance.
postings indicate an affin- Our prayers are w/ them.”
ity for Nazis and political Wheeler said he appreci-
violence. He was charged ated Trump’s words but
with aggravated murder, stressed the need for ac-
intimidation — the state tion. “I hope we rise to the
equivalent of a hate crime memory of these two gen-
— and being a felon in tlemen who lost their lives,”
possession of a weapon the mayor told reporters.q
and was scheduled to be
Minnesota officer charged in
Castile shooting goes on trial
By AMY FORLITI gruesome aftermath was
Associated Press streamed live on Facebook
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The by Castile’s girlfriend, who
graphic video showing was in the car along with
Philando Castile’s final mo- her young daughter.
ments after he was shot by Prosecutors say Yanez shot
a Minnesota police officer Castile, a 32-year-old el-
made headlines nearly a ementary school cafeteria
year ago and led to calls worker, after Castile told
for changes in policing. him he was armed.
But another video could The entire encounter lasted
emerge as key evidence in barely more than a minute.
the case against St. Antho- Authorities later found Cas-
ny police officer Jeronimo tile had a permit to carry.
Yanez, who goes on trial for Yanez, who is Latino, is
manslaughter this week. charged with second-de-
Jury selection begins Tues- gree manslaughter, pun-
day and is expected to last ishable by up to 10 years in
at least a couple of days. prison.
Castile, who was black, He’s also charged with two
was killed July 6 during a lesser counts of endanger-
traffic stop in the St. Paul ing safety by firing his gun
suburb of Falcon Heights. near Castile’s girlfriend, Di-
His death got instant at- amond Reynolds, and her
tention as the shooting’s daughter.q