P. 8

                     Tuesday 30 May 2017

              French president flexes diplomatic muscles in Putin meeting

                                                                                                   against  terrorism,  in  par-  said, “Stop homophobia in
                                                                                                   ticular,  appeared  to  offer  Chechnya.”
                                                                                                   common ground.               Any use of chemical weap-
                                                                                                   Putin  said  Macron  pro-    ons in Syria is a “red line” for
                                                                                                   posed  a  framework  for  France and would be met
                                                                                                   French  and  Russian  anti-  by  “reprisals”  and  an  “im-
                                                                                                   terror experts to meet and  mediate  riposte”  from  the
                                                                                                   work  together.  And  both  government, Macron said.
                                                                                                   leaders agreed they don’t  He did not specify the form
                                                                                                   want Syria — where Russia  of such reprisals, but France
                                                                                                   is propping up the govern-   flies  warplanes  over  Syria
                                                                                                   ment  of  President  Bashar  and  Iraq,  striking  Islamic
                                                                                                   Assad — to collapse into a  State targets as part of an
                                                                                                   failed state.                international coalition.
                                                                                                   Progress  in  Syria  “will  hap-  On  Sputnik  and  Russia  To-
                                                                                                   pen by a joint effort, which  day,  Macron  showed  little
                                                                                                   today we laid the founda-    restraint,  saying  the  two
                                                                                                   tions for,” Macron said.     organizations  spread  “un-
                                                                                                   Speaking  through  a  trans-  truths  about  me  and  my
                                                                                                   lator,  Putin  said  the  two  campaign”   during   the
                                                                                                   countries were “totally ca-  French election.
                                                                                                   pable of trying to progress  “I  will  not  give  an  inch  on
                                                                                                   together” on world affairs.  this,” he said. “Russia Today
            Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, is welcomed by French President Emmanuel Macron at the   “What unites us allows us to  and Sputnik ... behaved as
            Palace of Versailles, near Paris, France, Monday, May 29, 2017. Monday’s meeting comes in the   hope that the possibility ex-  organs of influence, of pro-
            wake of the Group of Seven’s summit over the weekend where relations with Russia were part of   ists to improve our ties,” he  paganda,  of  lying  propa-
            the agenda, making Macron the first Western leader to speak to Putin after the talks.
                                                          (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, pool)  added later.               ganda.”
                                                                                                   But there was no disguising  Putin,  seemingly  unfazed,
            By SYLVIE CORBET             media  outlets  he  accused  fulfilled  the  French  presi-  the rifts.                pushed  back  any  sugges-
            JOHN LEICESTER               of  spreading  “lying  propa-  dent’s campaign promises   Macron  said  he  spoke  to  tion  that  Russia  sought  to
            Associated Press             ganda”  during  France’s  to pull no punches with Rus-    Putin  about  LGBT  rights  influence the election. Rus-
            VERSAILLES,  France  (AP)  presidential campaign.         sia when needed.             in  the  Russian  republic  of  sian  meddling  became
            —  Flexing  his  diplomatic  Macron’s full-on blast at the  But  after  more  than  two   Chechnya  and  about  the  a  concern  in  France  af-
            muscles,  French  President  state news agency Sputnik  hours  of  meetings  —  their   rights  of  embattled  non-  ter  allegations  that  Russia
            Emmanuel Macron said he  and broadcaster Russia To-       first  since  Macron’s  May  7   governmental   organiza-  sought  to  interfere  in  the
            had “extremely frank” and  day came at a news con-        election  and  longer  than   tions  in  Russia,  vowing  to  U.S.  presidential  contest
            “direct”  talks  with  Russian  ference with Putin standing  scheduled  —  both  lead-  be  “vigilant”  on  these  is-  that elected Donald Trump
            President Vladimir Putin on  at  his  side.  His  comments  ers  also  signaled  a  shared   sues.  Earlier  Monday,  hu-  and after a document leak
            Monday and launched an  underscored  the  clear  dif-     desire  not  to  let  disagree-  man rights activists protest-  hit  Macron’s  campaign  in
            extraordinary  attack  on  ferences between the two  ments  define  their  fledg-      ing  near  the  Eiffel  Tower  the final hours of the French
            two  state-funded  Russian  men on multiple issues and  ling  relationship.  The  fight   displayed  a  banner  that  race.q

            Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn face tough questions on live TV

            By GREGORY KATZ              members  of  the  audience  same  studio  at  the  same  decided  and  that  she  is  as  a  “blowhard  who  col-
            Associated Press             and  by  aggressive  inter-  time,  but  they  did  not  ap-  determined to get the best  lapses  at  the  first  sound  of
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Prime  viewer Jeremy Paxman.             pear together at any point.  deal possible.               gunfire.”
            Minister  Theresa  May  and  The  June  8  election  pits  Voters are not likely to get  “We  are  doing  the  right  May  often  found  herself
            Labour  Party  leader  Jer-  May,    the   Conservative  a  true  debate  before  the  thing  in  making  a  success   on  the  defensive  as  audi-
            emy  Corbyn  faced  tough  Party leader who opposed  vote.                             of Brexit,” she said, vowing   ence  members  grilled  her
            questions  and  a  skeptical  Brexit  before  the  referen-  Facing  harsh  questioning  to  maintain  her  reputation   on  cuts  to  the  police,  Na-
            audience in a live TV event  dum last June but now fa-    from  Paxman,  one  of  Brit-  as a “bloody difficult wom-  tional  Health  Service  and
            Monday  night  ahead  of  vors it, against Corbyn, who  ain’s  best  known  TV  jour-  an”  during  talks  with  Euro-  education, and a so-called
            next  week’s  parliamentary  has  alienated  many  long-  nalists,  May  defended  her  pean  Union  leaders  if  her   “dementia tax” that might
            elections.                   time Labour supporters with  about-face  on  Brexit.  She  party wins the election and   make  it  harder  for  elder-
            It  was  not  a  debate,  but  his hard-left views.       rebuffed  his  repeated  at-  keeps power.                ly  Britons  to  pass  on  their
            did  air  policy  and  stylistic  The  “Battle  for  Number  tempts  to  get  her  to  say  But  Paxman  set  the  tone   property to their heirs.
            differences  between  the  10”  show  broadcast  on  whether  she  now  thinks  by  saying  that  if  he  were
            two foes. They did not ap-   Sky  News  and  Channel  leaving the European Union  an EU negotiator who had          At  one  point  a  heckler
            pear  together  but  were  4  brought  the  two  prime  is a good idea, saying only  observed all her recent flip   yelled,   “You’ve   clearly
            questioned  separately  by  contenders together in the  that the British voters have  flops, he would think of her   failed.”q
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