P. 6
Tuesday 30 May 2017
Deputy slain in Mississippi rampage had worked in ministry
KEVIN McGILL sponding to a domestic- has shaken the county of the investigation continues. Burage, 46. The parents of
Associated Press violence call late Saturday 34,500 residents. Authorities on Monday said Austin Edwards, 11, and
BROOKHAVEN, Miss. (AP) — when he was shot to death Investigators said Willie Godbolt was related to or Jordan Blackwell, 18, iden-
A Mississippi deputy killed in in Brookhaven, a south Corey Godbolt, 35, will be acquainted with all the vic- tified their sons as the other
a shooting rampage had Mississippi city surrounded charged with one count tims except Durr. people killed.
worked in Christian ministry by pine trees and rolling of capital murder and sev- The Mississippi Bureau of In- Godbolt remained hospi-
before going into law en- green pastures. He was en counts of first degree vestigation identified some talized in good condition
forcement, and liked doing one of eight people killed murder. Mississippi Bureau of those killed as: Barbara for a gunshot wound Mon-
puppet shows to deliver up- in a shooting rampage at of Investigation spokes- Mitchell, 55; Brenda May, day in Jackson, and could
lifting messages to children. three different homes — an man Warren Strain said the 53; Tocarra May, 35; Fer- make a court appearance
William Durr, 36, was re- outbreak of violence that charges could change as ral Burage, 45; and Shelia Tuesday in Brookhaven.q
Protest sparks Texas lawmaker threats of gun violence
By MEREDITH HOFFMAN reserved for goofy group
WILL WEISSERT photos and sappy good-
Associated Press byes. Lawmakers are con-
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Hun- stitutionally barred from
dreds of protesters op- approving most legislation
posing Texas’ tough new on the last day.
anti-”sanctuary cities” law But even after the protest
launched a raucous dem- ended, tensions remained
onstration from the public high. Rep. Ramon Rome-
gallery in the Texas House ro, a Democrat from Fort
on Monday, briefly halt- Worth, said he was stand-
ing work and prompting ing with fellow Democratic
lawmakers on the floor be- Rep. Cesar Blanco of El
low to scuffle — and even Paso when Republican col-
threaten gun violence — league Matt Rinaldi came
as tense divides over hard- over and said: “This is BS.
line immigration policies That’s why I called ICE.”
boiled over. Rinaldi, of Irving in subur-
Activists wearing red T- ban Dallas, and Blanco
shirts reading “Lucha,” or then began shouting at
“Fight,” quietly filled hun- each other.
dreds of gallery seats as A scuffle nearly ensued be-
proceedings began. Af- fore other lawmakers sep-
ter about 40 minutes, they arated the two.
began to cheer, drowning Later, a group of Demo-
out the lawmakers below. Demonstrators march in the Texas Capitol on Monday, May 29, 2017, protesting the state’s newly cratic lawmakers held a
Protesters also blew whis- passed anti-sanctuary cities bill in Austin, Texas. Opponents call Texas’ anti-sanctuary cities law press conference to ac-
tles and chanted: “Here to a “show your papers” law since it empowers police to inquire about peoples’ immigration status cuse Rinaldi of threaten-
stay!” and “Hey, hey, ho, during routine interactions such as traffic stops. ing to “put a bullet in the
ho, SB4 has got to go,” re- (AP Photo/Meredith Hoffman) head” of someone on the
ferring to the bill that Gov. House floor during a sec-
Greg Abbott signed into asked state troopers to no reports of arrests. routine interactions such as ond near scuffle.
law this month. clear the gallery. The dem- Texas’ new law is remi- traffic stops. It was eventu- They said the comment
Some unfurled banners onstration continued for niscent of a 2010 Arizona ally struck down in court. was made in the direction
reading: “See you in court!” about 20 minutes as offi- “show your papers” mea- A legislative session that of Democratic Rep. Pon-
and “See you at the polls!” cers led people out of the sure that allowed police began in January con- cho Nevarez, from the bor-
State House leadership chamber peacefully in to inquire about a person’s cluded Monday, and the der town of Eagle Pass.q
stopped the session and small groups. There were immigration status during day was supposed to be
Trial near for sect members accused of beating away demons
By MITCH WEISS ward in North Carolina Su- The 23-year-old Fenner is Fenner joined the sect with cal school.
HOLBROOK MOHR perior Court. bracing himself. his mother and brother in Fenner also is preparing
Associated Press Jury selection could begin “I’m going to have to re- 2010. He fled after he said for the possibility of more
RUTHERFORDTON, N.C. Tuesday for the first of five live that night again,” said he was attacked on Jan. disappointment. There’s a
(AP) — It has been nearly Word of Faith Fellowship Fenner, who spent two 27, 2013, but his family chance the trial could be
4½ years since Matthew members charged in the years pressuring authorities members are still inside. delayed again.
Fenner said he was beaten attack. Each defendant to investigate the allega- “You can’t imagine the The defense has filed mo-
in a church sanctuary by a will be tried separately. tions against the powerful emotional toll this has taken tions to move the trial out
group of congregants hell- The first defendant, long- 750-member evangelical on my life. I had to put a lot of Rutherford County, lo-
bent on expelling his “ho- time minister Brooke Cov- church in Spindale, North of things on hold because cated in the foothills of the
mosexual demons.” ington, 58, has pleaded in- Carolina. Ex-members say of this. ... I can’t do any- Blue Ridge Mountains mid-
After countless twists and nocent to one count each church leaders believe that thing until this is over,” said way between Charlotte
turns, the long-delayed, of kidnapping and assault. possessed congregants Fenner, who graduated and Asheville, due to years
high-profile case finally ap- If convicted, she faces up must have devils beaten or from college last year and of negative publicity about
pears ready to move for- to two years in prison. screamed out of them. is planning to go to medi- the church’s practices. q