P. 9
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 30 May 2017
Merkel warns against “simple answers” after Trump meetings
By DAVID RISING so all I can say is that we
GEIR MOULSON Europeans must really take
Associated Press our destiny into our own
BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor hands.” Merkel also em-
Angela Merkel cautioned phasized the continued
Monday against seeking need for friendly relations
“simple answers” to com- with the U.S. and others.
plex global issues, a day Her spokesman Steffen
after suggesting that Eu- Seibert, said Monday the
rope’s relationship with chancellor is “a convinced
the U.S. had shifted signifi- trans-Atlanticist.” U.S.-Ger-
cantly following NATO and man relations “are a strong
G-7 meetings with Presi- pillar of our foreign and se-
dent Donald Trump that curity policy, and Germa-
produced disappointing ny will continue working to
results. strengthen these relations,”
The comments at an elec- Seibert said. “Precisely be-
tion rally Sunday in Bavaria, cause they are so impor-
where Merkel stressed that tant, it’s right to name dif-
“we Europeans must re- ferences honestly.”
ally take our destiny into Where Europe’s relation-
our own hands,” were ship with the U.S. during
widely seen as acknowl- the Cold War and in its im-
edgement from Europe’s German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers a speech during an election campaign of her Chris- mediate aftermath had a
most powerful leader of tian Democratic Union, CDU, and the Christian Social Union, CSU, in Munich, southern Germany. strong emotional compo-
the changing dynamic of Merkel is urging European Union nations to stick together in the face of new uncertainty over the nent, Merkel’s comments
trans-Atlantic ties. United States and other challenges. suggest she now sees them
Her foreign minister, a po- (Matthias Balk/dpa via AP) as more “pragmatic and
litical rival, upped the rhet- smaller.” peans couldn’t reach an fully count on others are transactional,” said Sylke
oric Monday by declaring Merkel’s remarks came agreement with Trump on somewhat over, as I have Tempel, an expert with the
that with Trump’s policies, after a Group of Seven climate change. experienced in the past German Council on For-
“the West has become summit at which the Euro- “The times in which we can few days,” she said. “And eign Relations.q
Manchester police seek clues
in concert bomber’s suitcase
By GREGORY KATZ, Associ- of the public find it, they
ated Press should not approach it, but
LONDON (AP) — Police in call police immediately, he
Manchester, England is- said.
sued a picture of the arena “We have no reason to
suicide bomber holding a believe the case and its
blue suitcase and asked contents contain anything
anyone who might have dangerous, but would ask
seen him with it before the people to be cautious,”
attack to call a confiden- Jackson said.
tial hotline. He said Abedi may have
Counter-terrorism squads had the blue suitcase with
are trying to re-create him when he visited the
Salman Abedi’s move- Wilmslow Road area and
ments in the days before the Manchester city cen-
he detonated a bomb at ter in the days before the
an Ariana Grande con- blast.
cert in Manchester, killing “Did you see Abedi with
22 people. Police believe this suitcase between
Abedi had the wheeled the 18 and 22 May 2017?
suitcase with him at two lo- Where did you see him with
cations in Manchester. it during that time?” Jack-
The suitcase was not used son said.
in the attack, which was The bombing investiga-
carried out when Abedi tion expanded early Mon-
detonated an improvised day when police arrested
bomb minutes after the a 23-year-old man on the
concert ended, Greater south coast of England,
Manchester Police Detec- hundreds of miles south of
tive Chief Superintendent Manchester.
Russ Jackson said. Greater Manchester Police
Jackson tried to reassure said the man was arrested
nervous residents of Man- in Shoreham-by-Sea on sus-
chester that the bag does picion of terrorism offenses
not pose a risk to public and an address there was
safety. But if any members being searched.q