P. 22

             Wednesday 5 september 2018
            Gruden explains Raiders' decision to trade Khalil Mack

            By JOSH DUBOW                                                                          of  it  certainly  weighs  in,"  Oakland  has  already  cut
            ALAMEDA,  Calif.  (AP)  —                                                              Gruden  said.  "We've  got  ties  with  its  second-round
            Jon  Gruden  didn't  mince                                                             free  agents  on  our  team  picks from 2015, '16 and '17
            words.                                                                                 that  are  going  to  be  (up)  in Mario Edwards Jr., Jihad
            As  excited  as  he  was  to                                                           next year; we've got to find  Ward  and  Obi  Melifonwu
            coach  Khalil  Mack  in  his                                                           a way to bring them back.  and  has  only  11  of  the  50
            second  stint  with  Oak-                                                              So you've got to field a 53-  draft  choices  that  general
            land,  Gruden  believes  the                                                           man  roster  and  there  are  manager Reggie McKenzie
            right  move  ultimately  was                                                           some  implications  of  hav-  made from 2012-17 on the
            to  trade  Mack  to  give  the                                                         ing  two  players  making  53-man roster.
            Raiders the draft picks and                                                            that  much  money.  That's  That has contributed to the
            salary cap room needed to                                                              no mystery to anybody."      Raiders  having  the  oldest
            rebuild a depleted roster.                                                             The  Bears  were  willing  to  roster in the league and the
            "It wasn't my goal to trade                                                            commit that money in part  desire for more draft picks.
            Khalil  when  we  got  here,"                                                          because  they  have  quar-   "We're  trying  to  hit  on  the
            Gruden said Sunday. "One                                                               terback Mitchell Trubisky on  draft," Gruden said. "We're
            of  the  reasons  I'm  here  is                                                        a  rookie  deal.  The  Los  An-  trying  to  draft  and  devel-
            because  of  him.  Unfortu-   In this Dec. 24, 2016, file photo, Oakland Raiders defensive end   geles  Rams  gave  $87  mil-  op. Obviously the last three
            nately,  we  had  a  standoff   Khalil Mack (52) rushes against the Indianapolis Colts during an   lion  guaranteed  to  Aaron  draft  classes  we  haven't
            with  a  contract,  and  we   NFL football game in Oakland, Calif.                     Donald  this  past  week  in  got a lot of production out
            could  not  come  to  terms.                                                           what  was  the  richest  de-  of  yet.  I  don't  think  there's
            The  Bears  made  us  an  of-  sixth-rounder next year and  That's the richest deal ever  fensive  contract  for  one  anybody  left  from  the  '13
            fer  of  two  first-round  draft  a  third-rounder  in  2020.  for a defensive player and  day  until  Mack  surpassed  draft.  The '15, '16, '17 (class-
            choices  and  here  we  are  Oakland  also  included  its  nowhere  near  where  the  it, but they also have quar-  es),  not  much  production
            today."                      second-round      selection  Raiders  were  willing  to  go  terback  Jared  Goff  on  a  at all. With that being said,
            The  Raiders  made  the  in  2020  and  a  conditional  after  already  committing  rookie contract.                you have to fill holes."
            blockbuster  trade  on  Sat-  fifth-rounder  that  year  in  $25 million a year to quar-  The Raiders don't have that  Gruden didn't want to sec-
            urday,  dealing  one  of  the  the trade.                 terback Derek Carr.          luxury  and  have  several  ond-guess  the  approach
            game's    most   dominant  Mack  then  immediately  "It's  tough  when  you  have  holes to fill on a team that  the Raiders took with Mack
            defensive  players  to  Chi-  signed a six-year, $141 mil-  two  players  that  are  the  went  6-10  last  year  and  after  exercising  the  fifth-
            cago  for  first-round  draft  lion extension with the Bears  highest  paid  at  their  posi-  has gotten little production  year  option  on  his  rookie
            picks  in  2019  and  2020,  a  that guarantees $90 million.  tions, so the economic part  from  recent  draft  classes.  deal worth $13.8 million.q
             COLIN KAEPERNICK             Kaepernick  also  posted                                                             cided  individually  to  not
             Continued from Page 18       a  Nike  ad  featuring  his                                                          sign Kaepernick.
             Country  music  star  John  face  and  wrote:  "Believe                                                           A  similar  grievance  is  still
             Rich tweeted a picture of  in  something,  even  if  it                                                           pending  by  former  49ers
             one  of  his  crew  members  means  sacrificing  every-                                                           teammate Eric Reid, a Pro
             holding  the  tops  of  a  cut  thing. (Hashtag) JustDoIt"                                                        Bowl  safety  who  joined  in
             pair of Nike socks, with the  Kaepernick already had a                                                            the protests.
             caption: "Get ready @Nike  deal with Nike that was set                                                            On  Friday  night,  Kaeper-
             multiply  that  by  the  mil-  to expire, but it was rene-                                                        nick and Reid, also now out
             lions." The tweet garnered  gotiated  into  a  multiyear                                                          of the league, were each
             about 10,000 retweets and  deal  to  make  him  one  of                                                           given huge ovations when
             30,000 likes, plus thousands  the faces of Nike's 30th an-                                                        they were introduced and
             of critical comments.        niversary  "Just  Do  It"  cam-                                                      shown  on  the  big  screen
             Rich,  part  of  the  duo  Big  paign, according to a per-                                                        during  a  match  between
             & Rich and a former con-     son  familiar  with  the  con-                                                       Serena and Venus Williams
             testant  of  President  Don-  tract. The person spoke to                                                          at the U.S. Open.
             ald  Trump's  reality  show  The  Associated  Press  on                                                           Meanwhile,  the  league
             "The Celebrity Apprentice,"  condition  of  anonymity                                                             and  players  union  still
             said he supported the right  because  Nike  hasn't  offi-                                                         haven't  resolved  whether
             to protest but Nike lost his  cially announced the con-                                                           players  will  be  punished
             support  when  it  endorsed  tract.                                                                               this  season  if  they  choose
             Kaepernick.                  The  person  said  Nike  will                                                        to  kneel  or  demonstrate
             Trump, a frequent critic of  feature   Kaepernick   on                                                            during  the  national  an-
             protesting NFL players, did  several  platforms,  includ-                                                         them.  Owners  approved
             not weigh in Tuesday morn-   ing  billboards,  television                                                         a  policy  requiring  players
             ing  even  though  he  has  commercials  and  online     This image taken from the Twitter account of the former National   to stand if they are on the
                                                                      Football League player Colin Kaepernick shows a Nike adver-
             loudly  urged  the  league  ads.  Nike  also  will  create   tisement featuring him that was posted Monday, Sept. 3, 2018.   sideline  during  "The  Star-
             to  suspend  or  fire  players  an apparel line for Kaepe-                                        Associated Press  Spangled  Banner,"  allow-
             who  demonstrate  during  rnick and contribute to his                                                             ing  them  to  stay  off  the
             the  anthem,  repeatedly  Know  Your  Rights  charity,  through 2028.                cause of his protests of so-  field if they wish.
             diving into what has devel-  the  person  said.  The  deal  Last   week,   Kaepernick  cial injustice.            But  the  league  and  union
             oped into one of the most  puts Kaepernick in the top  scored a legal victory in his  Kaepernick  contends  the  put that on hold after the
             contentious debates in the  bracket of NFL players with  grievance against the NFL  owners  violated  their  col-  Miami   Dolphins   faced
             sports world.                Nike.                       and its 32 teams when an  lective  bargaining  agree-    backlash  for  classifying
             Kaepernick's      attorney  Nike  also  provides  all  NFL  arbitrator allowed his case  ment with players by con-  the  protests  as  conduct
             Mark Geragos announced  teams with game-day uni-         to  continue  to  trial.  The  spiring  to  keep  him  off  potentially   detrimental
             the  endorsement  deal  on  forms  and  sideline  appar-  quarterback  claims  that  teams. His case hinges on  to  the  team  —  putting
             Twitter,  calling  Kaepernick  el,  a  partnership  that  was  owners conspired to keep  whether  owners  worked  players  at  risk  of  fines  or
             an  "All  American  Icon."  extended  in  March  to  run  him out of the league be-  together  rather  than  de-  suspensions.q
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