P. 23
SPORTS Wednesday 5 september 2018
Hunter Mahan overcomes tough year on and off course
By DOUG FERGUSON 4 on the special money list. was doing," Mahan said. "I
NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa. The top 25 get full PGA Tour thought about Katie, my sis-
(AP) — Hunter Mahan cards, and with only two ter-in-law, and everything
didn't see a leaderboard events remaining, Mahan she went through."
until only two holes were clinched his card. Mahan is not the first former
left. Any other tournament, Mahan didn't realize un- PGA Tour to have to return
maybe any other time in his til that moment that he at to what amounts to Q-
career, three shots behind least had made it back to school. Chad Campbell, a
that deep into the final the starting line. The scope four-time winner and mem-
round would have felt like of it didn't really hit him until ber of three Ryder Cup
a dire situation. Monday morning, when he teams, also is trying to earn
This was cause for celebra- was home in Dallas wait- back his card. They are
tion. ing for his wife and three not the first players to have
"I saw that I was in sec- young children to return their games desert them,
ond," Mahan said. "And in from a weekend trip to Ce- whether it was Hal Sutton,
my head I was like, 'That's dar Lake. Steve Stricker or David Du-
x-amount of money, and "It's been a crazy year," val.
that guarantees my card.' I Mahan said, his voice still There are no guarantees of
had three holes to play, but cracking with emotion. getting back, and the road
there was a lot going on He had taken a few min- is just starting for Mahan,
in my head at that time. It utes away from the phone In this Aug. 18, 2017, file photo, Hunter Mahan lines up a putt on who at 36 has won more
was pretty draining the last when he first started to cry. the 18th hole during the second round of the Wyndham Cham- $30 million and who once
couple of holes." He needed longer. pionship golf tournament in Greensboro, N.C. had a world ranking that
He closed with a bogey on "I feel excited about golf, Associated Press reached as high as No. 4.
the final hole and tied for just moving forward," he The timing of it all made the
second. said. "Everything, all the When his daughter, Hazel, he could on a sponsor's ex- moment feel bigger than it
This wasn't a FedEx Cup work, so many people. My was born in the summer of emption or against weaker really was.
playoff event, like the one teacher (Chris O'Connell), 2016, Mahan and wife Kan- fields that had room for a "When you get older and
Mahan won at Ridgewood my caddie (Zack Guth- di had three children 3 and six-time PGA Tour winner. you've played for so long,
four years ago that effec- rie), everybody ... it's vin- under. Katie Enloe died in July, you become very ap-
tively locked up a captain's dication for them. When I And then tragedy struck his leaving behind two young preciative of the game,
pick for his third Ryder Cup think about my family who family. daughters. your life and all the peo-
team. It wasn't one of the helped me get through this His wife's sister, Katie Enloe, So there was a reason the ple around you," he said.
two World Golf Champion- year and the years before, was diagnosed at the start final few holes Sunday at "You surround yourself with
ships he has won. it feels like a lot. of the year with acute my- Canterbury felt so draining. people who support you
This was the DAP Champi- "I'm more happy for them eloid leukemia. The families The hardest part of golf was and challenge you and
onship, the second Web. than I am for me." are close. She was married starting another year with- push you. And it makes you
com Tour Finals event, It was a lot. to SMU golf coach Jason out any momentum and happy for them. My life has
where the biggest priority is And golf was only part of it. Enloe, one of Mahan's best even less confidence. The been great. My career has
getting back to full status in He missed the Tour Cham- friends. After their wedding, hardest part of life was los- been so amazing. My ca-
the big leagues. pionship for the first time in she asked her sister, Kandi, ing someone so close and reer feels complete. I don't
He earned $88,000, rough- 2015 and the slide began. to go on a double date trying to move forward. feel like I have to prove
ly the equivalent of 24th More than anything techni- with Mahan. They were "I thought about the start anything. I'm just so happy
place during the FedEx Cup cal was the emotional pull married a year later. of the year and how I was for so many other people
playoffs, and moved to No. of being away from home. Mahan tried to play when feeling good about what I right now than myself."q
Viviani wins another Vuelta
stage, Yates keeps overall lead
BERMILLO DE SAYAGO, Grand Tour stages as pos- something on the side of
Spain (AP) — Italian rider sible. Now I have five at the the road, I punctured twice
Elia Viviani won his second Giro and two at La Vuelta so it made things a bit ner-
Spanish Vuelta stage on and I want to enjoy my vous but we managed to
Tuesday, while Simon Yates perfect train to win more control," Yates said. "I'm
retained the leader's red until the end of La Vuelta." improving every year to try
jersey despite a punctured Yates had a puncture and win the general classi-
tire. with about 15 kilometers fication and now we'll see
Viviani, who also won the to go but was able to re- how far I can go with this Italian cyclist Quick - Step Floors' Team Elia Viviani, center,
third stage, outsprinted join the pack and main- red jersey."Nairo Quintana, celebrates after winning the Spain La Vuelta Cyclist 13th stage
between Salamanca and Fermoselle Bermillo de Sayago 177
Peter Sagan in the final tain his one-second lead third overall, also had a kilometers (109,98 miles), of the Spanish Vuelta cycling race
meters to comfortably win over Alejandro Valverde. puncture late in the stage, that finish in Fermoselle Bermillo de Sayago, northern Spain,
the 177-kilometer (110- Adam Yates, Simon's twin, but recovered to remain Tuesday Sept. 4, 2018.
mile) flat 10th stage from was among the riders who 14 seconds behind Yates.
Salamanca to Bermillo de stayed behind to lead him Diego Rubio broke away lometers from the finish. face a 208-kilometer (129-
Sayago. back to the peloton. with about 20 kilometers Tuesday's stage came af- mile) hilly route from Mom-
"Everything went perfect," "Things went relatively to go, moving 20 seconds ter the Vuelta's first rest buey to Ribeira Sacra.
Viviani said. "I always straightforward until the in front of the pack, but he day. The Grand Tour race ends
dreamt of winning as many end, then I must have hit was caught less than 10 ki- On Wednesday, riders will on Sept. 16 in Madrid.q