P. 27
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 5 september 2018
Egypt says HEALTH
527 4000
village found Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
in Nile Delta ASSOCIATED REALTORS Divi Phoenix Timeshares Psychic Riley DOCTOR ON DUTY
solves problems in love
For Sale
For sale rm 107,wk 34, 8/25
predated Gorgeous two story house on pool side studio $3,400 ObO business help and removes Dr. Pieterse M Tel. 586 3330
and aruba beach club studio
a hill with ocean/country view
negative influences. Guaranteed
in paradera, 3 bedrooms / 3
results. all readings are
rm247, ObO
pharaohs bathrooms for $470,000 email customized and confidential. San Nicolas
001 747 271 9899
508 651 0016 | Local 565 9394
Call mito at 593 6318 for more
details _________________________________209992 _________________________________209694 Women in Difficulties
Associated Press _________________________________210000 Divi Golf and Beach Delux PHARMACY ON DUTY
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt said ASSOCIATED REALTORS 1 br Unit 2316, 9/1,Granite, Psychic Natalie Oranjestad:
Sunday that archeologists For Sale washer/d $3,450. and studio Will read the stars in heaven to Oduber Tel. 582 1780
San Nicolas:
have unearthed one of the Gorgeous two story house on rm 4201,eagle $3150. also for fill your destiny and solve all San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
oldest villages ever found a hill with ocean/country view divi dutch Village rm 128, your problems. Women in Difficulties
in the Nile Delta, with re- in paradera, 3 bedrooms / 3 remod. $3400.bO 001 817 851 6474 OTHER
mains dating back to be- bathrooms for $470,000 rmWJmW@aOL.COm ________________________________209697 Dental Clinic 587 9850
fore the pharaohs. Call mito at 593 6318 for more 508 651 0016 | Local 565 9394 Marriott Ocean Club Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
The Antiquities Ministry said details ________________________________209992 1 br Ocean View Gold $4500 Mobility Equip . Gire
the Neolithic site was dis- Divi Phoenix 2 br Ocean View Gold $7500 568 5165
covered in Tell el-Samara, _________________________________210000 Luxury rm660 wk34 1-1/2 bath. 2 br Ocean Front Gold $14,000 Urgent Care 586 0448
Women in Difficulties
about 140 kilometers (87 ASSOCIATED REALTORS 8/29 29 wks left $3995 Call:630-1307 EMERGENCY
miles) north of Cairo. Chief For Sale
archaeologist Frederic Gio spacious house in ruby, noord, Casa del Mar Police 100
527 3140
said his team found silos 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, 1br wks 21-29 (bO) Marriott Surf Club Noord 527 3200
containing animal bones pool, buildup 320 m2 and for Local 565 9394 2 br Garden View $4,000 Sta. Cruz 527 2900
and food, indicating hu- $446,000 including furnitures email: 2 br Ocean View $7000 San Nicolas 584 5000
man habitation as early as and appliances. 508-651-0016 2 br Ocean side $8000 Police Tipline 11141
5,000 B.C. Contact mito at 593 6318 2 br Ocean Front $14,000 Ambulancia
That would be some 2,500 _________________________________210000 ________________________________210152 3 br Ocean View $13,000 Fire Dept. 115
years before the Giza pyra- ASSOCIATED REALTORS Call:630-1307 Red Cross 582 2219
mids were built. For Sale TAXI SERVICES
In recent years, Egypt has Lot of land at palm beach mea- ________________________________210153 Taxi Tas 587 5900
touted discoveries in the suring 1015 m2 in a quiet area, Prof. Taxi 588 0035
hopes of reviving tourism walking distance to the highrise Aruba Divi Phoenix Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
after the unrest that fol- hotels and the beach and for studio WK # 35 and 36 room Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
lowed its 2011 popular $97,000. # 202 A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Women in Difficulties
uprising.q Contact mito at 593 6318 In the Ocean Front Villas
32 weeks remain on each $6500 TRAVEL INFO
_________________________________210000 each Aruba Airport 524 2424
Call :630-1307 American Airlines 582 2700 Avianca 588 0059
Aruba Airlines 583 8300
_________________________________210153 Jet Blue 588 2244
Marriott Renaissance Siutes Surinam 582 7896
1 br WK 35 room #2327 Venezolana 583 7674
pool/Ocean View $4500 Women in Difficulties
Costa Linda beach CRUISES
2 br WK # 37 room #2001
pool /Ocean View $7500
Wednesday 5
For Sale Freedom of the seas
family house with three
bedrooms and two bathrooms Women in Difficulties
situated at Washington on AID FOUNDATIONS
property land reduced to FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
$205,000 Tel. 582 5051
Call mito at 593 6318 Alcoholics Anonymous
_________________________________209997 Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
T- Share Resales Tel. 583 8989
Local experts 32 years Women in Difficulties
experience Tel. 583 5400
Want 2 sell yours now? Centre for Diabetes
*Free appraisal Tel. 524 8888
*Free Listing Child Abuse Prevention
*Free marketing Tel. 582 4433
*sure sale! Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
Call now :630-1307 General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118