P. 30

             Wednesday 5 september 2018

            A so-so haunted house drama in 'The Little Stranger'

            By LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                     Faraday  finds  himself  visit-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing the Ayres' often, drawn
            A  decaying  and  haunted                                                                                           by Caroline but also his ob-
            manor  in  the  post-World                                                                                          session with the house and
            War  II  English  countryside,                                                                                      what it meant to him as a
            a  grieving  family  on  the                                                                                        child, but things are unde-
            verge  of  madness  and                                                                                             niably  strange  there.  The
            class  divisions  make  "The                                                                                        Ayres  first  daughter,  Suki,
            Little Stranger " a darkly in-                                                                                      died  when  she  was  a  little
            triguing  specimen.  But  the                                                                                       girl.  She  factored  promi-
            Lenny  Abrahamson-direct-                                                                                           nently  in  Faraday's  rose-
            ed adaptation of the Sarah                                                                                          colored  flashback  of  that
            Waters  novel  is  all  moody                                                                                       party from his youth in 1919.
            teases with no payoff, nev-                                                                                         He was jealous of Suki. Car-
            er quite congealing  into a                                                                                         oline tells him that everyone
            coherent whole.                                                                                                     was jealous of Suki. Mystery
            Domhnall  Gleeson  leads                                                                                            solved,  right?  But  lest  you
            the cast as a doctor, Fara-                                                                                         think that the little stranger
            day, who finds himself on a                                                                                         must be Suki, let me assure
            house  call  to  a  stately  but                                                                                    you  that  that  is  far  from
            worn  mansion,  Hundreds                                                                                            clear  and  Abrahamson
            Hall.  He  visited  once  as  a                                                                                     and  the  script  keep  things
            child  with  his  mother  who   This  image  released  by  Focus  Features  shows  Charlotte  Rampling  in  a  scene  from  "The  Little   as confusing as possible for
            used  to  work  there,  and   Stranger."                                                                            as long as they can.
            recalled  a  magical  day  in                                                                      Associated Press  The  film  is  Abrahamson's
            which he fantasized about                                                                                           first  since  "Room"  earned
            what it would like to be as  few more years of neglect  her     daughter    Caroline  leaving  him  unmotivated  him  a  best  director  nomi-
            wealthy as the owners, the  and  it's  suddenly  not  a  far  (Ruth  Wilson);  and  her  son  to  take  care  of  household  nation and it is undeniably
            Ayres,  whose  family  has  off  proposition.  Faraday  Roderick (Will Poulter), who  duties.  Gone  are  the  days  elegant  in  its  look  and  ex-
            had the property for more  has  been  summoned  to  has  been  badly  burned  of a household staff, too. It's  ecution, but it is also quite
            than two centuries.          look at the maid, Betty (Liv  in  the  war  and  is  suffering  just Betty and Caroline do-  a lot of build-up to little sat-
            Since  that  day  as  a  boy,  Hill), who says she's sick but  from  some  kind  of  PTSD,  ing the lion's share.   isfaction or explanation. q
            Faraday  has  improved  his  has really been spooked by
            lot,  while  the  Ayres  have  something.  Everything  is  a
            slid,  letting  the  house  fall  little off in Hundreds Hall, in-  Author weaves 2 related stories
            into  disrepair.  It's  not  quite  cluding its inhabitants: Mrs.
                                                                      in "Sunrise Highway"
            Grey  Gardens  yet,  but  a  Ayres (Charlotte Rampling);

                                                                                                   largest police force on the  avoided detection this long
                                                                                                   island.                      without help in high places.
                                                                                                   Detective  Lourdes  Robles  In  "Sunrise  Highway,"  Peter
                                                                                                   of  the  NYPD  knows  noth-  Blauner  weaves  two  re-
                                                                                                   ing of this when she arrives  lated stories: the decades-
                                                                                                   at the tip of Far Rockaway,  long story of the killer as he
                                                                                                   at the eastern edge of her  moves up the ranks of the
                                                                                                   jurisdiction, responding to a  police  department,  put-
                                                                                                   call  about  a  young  wom-  ting influential people in his
                                                                                                   an's body that had washed  debt  along  the  way,  and
                                                                                                   up on the beach.             the  months-long  story  of
                                                                                                   As  Lourdes  and  her  part-  Lourdes'  investigation.  In
                                                                                                   ner, the not entirely reliable  the  climax,  the  two  tales
                                                                                                   Robert  Borrelli,  investigate,  crash together violently.
                                                                                                   they  hear  about  unsolved  The  prose  is  economical
                                                                                                   murders of a few other girls  and  precise,  the  setting
                                                                                                   who  had  been  found  out-  well  drawn  and  the  char-
                                                                      This cover image released by
                                                                      Minotaur shows "Sunrise High-  side  of  the  NYPD's  jurisdic-  acters real enough to give
                                                                      way," by Peter Blauner.      tion  on  the  island.  As  they  you a chill the next time you
                                                                                  Associated Press  continue to dig, they learn  cruise past a police car.
                                                                                                   about still more bodies that  Blauner,  who  has  written
                                                                      By BRUCE DESILVA             had been discarded along  extensively  for  NBC's  "Law
                                                                      Associated Press             the island's Sunrise Highway  & Order" franchise and for
                                                                      "Sunrise  Highway"  (Mino-   for decades.                 CBS' "Blue Bloods," has pro-
                                                                      taur), by Peter Blauner.     Has a serial killer been oper-  duced  only  seven  previ-
                                                                      Forty  years  ago  on  Long  ating undetected on Long  ous novels since he helped
                                                                      Island,  a  teenage  boy  Island for 40 years? Lourdes'  set the standard for debut
                                                                      helped murder a young girl  superiors are skeptical, but  crime novels with "Slow Mo-
                                                                      and  then  lied  about  who  she thinks she's on to some-  tion Riot" in 1992. But all of
                                                                      did it, sending an innocent  thing.  And  the  more  she  them,  including  this  one,
                                                                      black man to prison. Now,  thinks  about  it,  she  real-  have  been  worth  waiting
                                                                      the killer is the chief of the  izes the killer couldn't have  for.q
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