P. 31
PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 5 september 2018
Woodward book says Trump aide privately called him 'idiot'
WASHINGTON (AP) — An But Trump did not speak
upcoming book by jour- to Woodward until after
nalist Bob Woodward says the book's manuscript was
President Donald Trump's completed. The Post re-
chief of staff privately leased audio of Trump ex-
called Trump an "idiot" and pressing surprise about the
aides plucked sensitive book in an August con-
documents off the presi- versation with Woodward.
dent's desk to keep him Woodward tells Trump he
from taking rash actions. had contacted multiple
The book is the latest tell-all officials to attempt to in-
to roil the Trump administra- terview Trump and was re-
tion with explosive anec- buffed.
dotes and concerns about The book follows the Janu-
the commander in chief. ary release of author Mi-
The Washington Post on chael Wolff's "Fire and Fury,"
Tuesday published details which led to a rift between
from "Fear: Trump in the Trump and Steve Bannon,
White House," the Water- his former chief strategist
gate reporter's forthcoming who spoke with Wolff in
examination of Trump's first terms highly critical of the
18 months in office. president and his family.
Chief of Staff John Kelly is This June 11, 2012 file photo shows former Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward speaking dur- Wolff's book attracted at-
quoted as having doubted ing event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Watergate, Washington. tention with its vivid anec-
Trump's mental faculties, Associated Press dotes, but suffered from nu-
declaring during one meet- merous factual inaccura-
ing, "We're in Crazytown." Jim Mattis is quoted ex- or sixth-grader.'" mediately respond to a re- cies. Woodward's work also
Trump's former lawyer in the plaining to Trump why the Woodward also claims quest for comment. comes weeks after former
Russia probe, John Dowd, U.S. maintains troops on the that Gary Cohn, the for- The publication of Wood- White House aide and "Ap-
is also said to have doubt- South Korean peninsula to mer director of the Na- ward's book has been an- prentice" contestant Oma-
ed Trump's ability to avoid monitor the North's missile tional Economic Council, ticipated for weeks, and rosa Manigault Newman
perjuring himself should he activities. "We're doing this boasted of removing pa- current and former White published an expose on
be interviewed by special in order to prevent World pers off Trump's desk to House officials estimate her time in the West Wing,
counsel Robert Mueller. War III," Mattis says. prevent their signature, in- that nearly all of their col- including audio recordings
"Don't testify. It's either that Woodward recounts that cluding efforts by the presi- leagues cooperated with of her firing by Kelly and a
or an orange jumpsuit," Mattis told "close associ- dent to withdraw from the the noted journalist, who follow-on conversation with
Dowd is quoted telling the ates that the president North American Free Trade cut his teeth bringing down the president in which he
president. acted like — and had the Agreement. Richard Nixon's presidency claimed to have been un-
And Secretary of Defense understanding of — 'a fifth- The White House didn't im- during Watergate. aware of Kelly's decision.q
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is thrilled about her 'Veep' return
By LEANNE ITALIE part of Saks Fifth Avenue's tion wisely and carefully."
Associated Press 20th year raising money As this year's ambassador
NEW YORK (AP) — Julia through its Key to the Cure for the program, Louis-
Louis-Dreyfus is back at program. Dreyfus said she wanted a
work on "Veep" and said it The limited-edition shirt will bold statement for the an-
feels "fantastic." sell for $35 at Saks stores nual T-shirt. It features three
The star of the HBO come- Oct. 1-31, with 100 per- poppies and the slogan:
dy series revealed last Sep- cent of proceeds passed "We are fighters & we are
tember that she had been to the AiRS Foundation, a fighting for a cure."
diagnosed with breast can- nonprofit Louis-Dreyfus sup- Over 20 years, Key to the
cer. The news came soon ports for its work in helping Cure has donated nearly
after her sixth consecutive women with the costs of $40 million to cancer re-
Emmy win for the role of Se- breast reconstruction after search and treatment or-
lina Meyer. mastectomy. ganizations.
As work began recently "Up to 70 percent of breast "It was a super-fun endeav-
on the show's seventh and cancer survivors who have or," Louis-Dreyfus said of the
final season, Louis-Dreyfus had a mastectomy are re- In this Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017 file photo, Julia Louis-Dreyfus poses T-shirt design process. She
told The Associated Press: ally unsure or unaware of in press room with her awards for outstanding lead actress in a has often worn Herrera de-
comedy series and outstanding comedy series "Veep" at the
"I feel good. I feel strong. their reconstruction options, 69th Primetime Emmy Awards at Microsoft Theater in Los Ange- signs on red carpets. The
I've got energy and, yeah, and many of those women les. shirt features blooms in jew-
back to my old tricks. It who desire to have surgery Associated Press el-tone red and pink.
feels like I never left." don't have sufficient insur- "I wanted it to have a sort
The "Seinfeld" alum has ance or other resources to This is the first time she has so you know I'm putting my of femininity and a power-
signed on to her first cancer cover it," Louis-Dreyfus said said yes. whole self into Key to the ful message at the same
awareness initiative, help- by phone on a recent loca- "It's hard to say no but I've Cure," Louis-Dreyfus said. time because I believe the
ing Carolina Herrera de- tion day for "Veep." just had to be very careful "You can't spread yourself two can go hand in hand,"
signer Wes Gordon design As a survivor, she said she's about managing my time too thin. That's why I want- she said. "I liked the idea of
a flower-adorned T-shirt as often asked to help out. and conserving my energy, ed to choose the organiza- talking about fighting."q