P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 5 september 2018
            Farrow says NBC misleading in explanation of story

            By DAVID BAUDER                                                                                                     a  named  source.  She  said
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  NBC                                                                                             another  woman  had  also
            News'  decision  to  pass  on                                                                                       been  willing  to  be  identi-
            Ronan  Farrow's  investiga-                                                                                         fied  in  the  story.  NBC  said
            tion into Harvey Weinstein's                                                                                        if  Nestor  had  made  such
            alleged sexual misconduct                                                                                           an  offer  then,  it  was  news
            is an open wound, with Far-                                                                                         to  them.  In  his  statement,
            row and one of Weinstein's                                                                                          Lack  said  he  wondered
            accusers    criticizing   the                                                                                       "whether the brave women
            network's  latest  explana-                                                                                         who  spoke  to  him  in  print
            tion  and  President  Donald                                                                                        would have also sat before
            Trump chiming in Tuesday.                                                                                           TV cameras and lights."
            Trump  tweeted  that  NBC                                                                                           Nestor  said  that  "the  con-
            is  "now  fumbling  around                                                                                          descension  dripping  from
            making  excuses  for  their                                                                                         this  phrase  is  despicable.
            probably  highly  unethical                                                                                         The  implication  that  these
            conduct."  He  called  NBC                                                                                          'brave  women'  were  just
            "FAKE NEWS."                                                                                                        not  'brave'  enough  to  go
            NBC News Chairman Andy                                                                                              in front of a TV crew under-
            Lack  sent  a  lengthy  email                                                                                       mines  all  of  the  dangers,
            to  staff  members  Monday                                                                                          uncertainties  and  obsta-
            evening  outlining  last  sum-                                                                                      cles  we  faced  in  coming
            mer's  decision  to  pass  on                                                                                       forward  in  The  New  Yorker
            Farrow's  reporting.  He  said   In this April 24, 2018 file photo, Ronan Farrow attends the Time 100 Gala celebrating the 100 most   piece."
            his story wasn't ready to be   influential people in the world in New York.                                         She said it was shameful to
            aired at that time, and that                                                                       Associated Press  impugn Farrow's character
            NBC  had  done  nothing  to                                                                                         or  conduct  in  working  on
            block his reporting.         sations.                     seek  comment  from  Har-    story  was  never  reviewed  the story.
            Meanwhile,  Farrow's  for-   "The suggestion to take the  vey Weinstein."              or  approved  by  NBC's  le-  The unusually vitriolic argu-
            mer investigative producer  story to another outlet was  Farrow  took  his  story  to  gal  department.  NBC  had  ment between NBC and a
            called  on  the  network  to  first raised by NBC, not me,  The  New  Yorker,  where  no  comment  on  Trump's  former  reporter  isn't  likely
            agree  to  an  independent  and  I  took  them  up  on  it  seven women were identi-   tweet.                       to  go  away  soon;  Farrow
            investigation of its actions.  only after it became clear  fied  making  accusations  One  of  Weinstein's  accus-  is  writing  a  book  about  his
            Farrow  had  tweeted  over-  that  I  was  being  blocked  against  Weinstein  when  it  ers,  Emily  Nestor,  issued  a  experiences working on the
            night that Lack's statement  from    further   reporting,"  was published. He shared a  statement  that  she  had  story.  The  embarrassment
            contained  several  false  Farrow  said.  "The  story  Pulitzer  Prize  with  The  New  done an interview with Far-  of  missing  out  on  a  scoop
            and misleading statements  was  twice  cleared  and  York  Times  for  their  stories  row  while  he  was  at  NBC  lingers,  too.  NBC  explains
            — in particular Lack's claim  deemed 'reportable' by le-  on Weinstein, which ignited  where  her  name  wasn't  its  decision  to  let  the  story
            that Farrow had no women  gal  and  standards  only  to  the #metoo movement.          revealed,  but  had  been  go  was  because  of  major
            ready  to  publicly  identify  be  blocked  by  executives  NBC countered on Tuesday  discussing with him the pos-  disagreements with Farrow
            themselves with their accu-  who refused to allow us to  that  a  script  of  a  Farrow  sibility  of  being  added  as  and his team. q

            'Cosby' actor thankful for support about grocery store job

            TRENTON,  N.J.  (AP)  —  An                                                            attention he received.       stunned  to  see  someone
            actor who was a regular on                                                             Owens  said  people  had  from  such  a  popular  show
            "The Cosby Show" said he's                                                             recognized him in the past  doing that type of work. But
            thankful for the support he                                                            and  that  it  was  never  an  several  actors  pointed  out
            has  received  since  photos                                                           issue,  noting  they  were  they have to make a living
            of him working at a grocery                                                            "very,  very  cool  about  it."  between  gigs  and  places
            store  showed  up  on  news                                                            The  57-year-old  actor  said  that offer health insurance
            sites.                                                                                 he  hasn't  had  an  acting  are especially attractive.
            Geoffrey Owens said Tues-                                                              job  that  lasted  more  than  Actor  and  former  profes-
            day on ABC's "Good Morn-                                                               10  weeks  since  leaving  sional  football  player  Terry
            ing  America"  that  he  did                                                           "The Cosby Show," but has  Crews  tweeted  that  he
            feel  some  people  were                                                               taught acting at Yale and  swept  floors  after  the  NFL
            trying  to  job  shame  him.                                                           worked  other  jobs  related  and  "if  need  be,  I'd  do  it
            But he stressed that "every                                                            to entertainment.            again."  Actor  Blair  Under-
            job is worthwhile and valu-                                                            "I  wanted  a  job  where  I  wood  tweeted  that  Ow-
            able,"  adding  that  what's                                                           could have some flexibility"  ens is "being a man in do-
            important  is  the  honor  of   This image released by ABC shows co-host Robin Roberts with   if  auditions  or  other  mat-  ing what he needs to do to
            the working person and the   "The Cosby Show" actor Geoffrey Owens during an interview on   ters  came  up,  Owen  said.  provide  for  himself  and  his
            dignity of the work.         "Good Morning America," Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018, in New York.   "I didn't advertise it, not be-  family."
            "There  is  no  job  that's  bet-                                     Associated Press  cause I was ashamed of it,  Owens was most recently in
            ter  than  another,"  he  said.                                                        but  because  I  didn't  want  an episode of "Elementary"
            "It  may  pay  better,  it  may  Owens played Elvin Tibide-  him working the register at  the  acting  community  to  and finished a movie called
            have better benefits, it may  aux,  the  husband  of  Son-  a New Jersey Trader Joe's,  think that I wasn't pursuing  "Impossible Monsters."
            look  better  on  paper.  But  dra,  the  eldest  daughter  "Geoffrey" on his name tag.  acting anymore."           "No  one  should  feel  sorry
            it's  not  better.  Every  job  is  of Bill Cosby's character on  He said he no longer works  The  woman  who  submit-  for me," he said. "I've had a
            worthwhile."                 the TV show. Photos showed  there due to the unwanted  ted  the  photos  seemed  great life, a great career."q
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