P. 32

             Wednesday 5 september 2018
            New wood technology may offer hope for struggling timber

            GILLIAN FLACCUS                                                                                                     a 12-story wood building in
            PHUONG LE                                                                                                           the  city's  trendy  Pearl  Dis-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    trict.  It  would  be  the  tall-
            RIDDLE,  Ore.  (AP)  —  John                                                                                        est  all-wood  building  in
            Redfield watches with pride                                                                                         the world constructed in a
            as  his  son  moves  a  laser-                                                                                      seismic zone and the tallest
            guided  precision  saw  the                                                                                         all-wood  building  in  North
            size  of  a  semi-truck  wheel                                                                                      America.
            into  place  over  a  massive                                                                                       An all-wood building in Nor-
            panel of wood.                                                                                                      way is taller, but is not in a
            Redfield's   fingers   are                                                                                          seismic  zone.  An  18-story
            scarred  from  a  lifetime  of                                                                                      wood  building  in  British
            cutting  wood  and  now,                                                                                            Columbia is also taller, but
            after  decades  of  decline                                                                                         rests  on  a  traditional  con-
            in the logging business, he                                                                                         crete core.
            has new hope that his son,                                                                                          Lever  Architecture  is  using
            too,  can  make  a  career                                                                                          $1.5  million  it  won  in  a  tall
            shaping the timber felled in                                                                                        wood  building  competi-
            southern Oregon's forests.                                                                                          tion  sponsored  by  the  U.S.
            That's  because  Redfield    In this Nov. 11, 2016 photo, John Redfield, chief operating officer of D.R. Johnson Lumber Co. in   Department  of  Agriculture
                                         Riddle, Ore., poses for a photo as he shows an example of a cross-laminated timber, or CLT, panel
            and  his  son  work  at  D.R.   that underwent a flammability test.                                                 and  the  softwood  industry
            Johnson  Lumber  Co.,  one                                                                         Associated Press  that's intended to promote
            of two U.S. timber mills mak-                                                                                       CLT as a domestic building
            ing  a  new  wood  product  tially 60 percent of our busi-  small  as  5  inches  in  diam-  of  Washington's  School  of  material. A 10-story residen-
            that's the buzz of the con-  ness,"  said  Redfield,  D.R.  eter  at  the  top  and  those  Environmental  and  Forest  tial tower in New York City
            struction industry. It's called  Johnson's  chief  operating  damaged  by  pests  and  Sciences.                    also got $1.5 million.
            cross-laminated     timber,  officer. "We're seeing some  wildfire  are  prime  candi-  SmartLam in Montana is the  The Portland firm has been
            or  CLT,  and  it's  made  like  major growth factors."   dates.                       other company producing  working  with  scientists  at
            it  sounds:  rafts  of  2-by-4  From Maine to Arkansas to  But  challenges  remain  be-  CLT panels.                Portland  State  University
            beams  aligned  in  perpen-  the  Pacific  Northwest,  the  fore CLT becomes as com-   This spring, cross-laminated  and Oregon State University
            dicular  layers,  then  glued  material  is  sparking  inter-  mon in the United States as  timber  will  get  its  ultimate  to test the panels' strength
            — or laminated — together  est  among  architects,  en-   it is in Europe and Canada,  test  in  the  United  States  by  subjecting  them  to
            like a giant sandwich.       gineers  and  researchers.  and  not  all  builders  are  when  a  Portland  architec-  hundreds  of  thousands  of
            The  resulting  panels  are  Many  say  it  could  infuse  sold.                       tural firm breaks ground on  pounds of pressure. q
            lighter  and  less  energy-in-  struggling  forest  commu-  U.S.  building  codes  gen-
            tensive than concrete and  nities  like  Riddle  with  new  erally  place  height  limits
            steel and much faster to as-  economic  growth  while  on  all-wood  buildings  for
            semble on-site than regular  reducing  the  carbon  foot-  safety  reasons,  though  a
            timber,  proponents  say.  print of urban construction  special  committee  of  the
            Because the grain in each  with  a  renewable  building  International  Code  Coun-
            layer  is  at  a  right  angle  to  material.             cil is investigating potential
            the one below and above  Visually  blemished  wood  changes to address the use
            it, there's a counter-tension  that currently goes to waste  of  CLT  in  such  structures.
            built  into  the  panels  that  can be used in the middle  And  research  is  still  under-
            supporters say makes them  layers of a CLT panel with-    way on critical questions of
            strong  enough  to  build  out     sacrificing   strength  how  these  buildings  with-
            even  the  tallest  skyscrap-  or  look.  Supporters  say  it  stand fire and earthquakes
            ers.                         could  bring  sawmills  back  in high-seismic regions.
            "We believe that two to five  online  while  improving  for-  Building  codes  in  Oregon
            years  out,  down  the  road,  est health through thinning  allow cutting-edge designs
            we  could  be  seeing  this  dense  stands  and  making  using  new  technology  like
            grow  from  just  20  percent  use of low-value wood and  CLT in some cases, but only
            of  our  business  to  poten-  local tree species. Trees as  after  rigorous  testing  and
                                                                      an  intensive  approval  pro-
                                                                      That  can  make  such  proj-
                                                                      ects  cost-prohibitive,  said
                                                                      Peter Dusicka, an engineer-
                                                                      ing  professor  at  Portland
                                                                      State University who's been
                                                                      researching the strength of
                                                                      CLT panels.
                                                                      "The  early  adopters  are
                                                                      looking  at  it  and  seeing  it
                                                                      as  a  good  opportunity,"
                                                                      but  before  CLT  can  take
                                                                      off,  there  will  have  to  be
                                                                      more  examples  to  get      In this Nov. 15, 2016, photo, Lever Architecture founder Thomas
            In this Nov. 11, 2016 photo, a logging crew harvests new timber   people  excited  and  more   Robinson poses for photo in his company's all-wood headquar-
            on private land near the headquarters of D.R. Johnson Lumber   mills  producing  it,  said   ters building, built with cross-laminated timber, or CLT, in Port-
            Co., in Riddle, Ore.                                      Thomas  DeLuca,  professor   land, Ore.
                                                     Associated Press  and  director  of  University                                        Associated Press
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