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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Thursday 27 June 2019

            Senate passes $4.6B border aid measure; Pelosi seeks talks

            By  ANDREW  TAYLOR  and                                                                                             turned  over  the  Depart-
            ALAN FRAM                                                                                                           ment of Health and Human
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Services.  The  Senate  mea-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          sure is not as strict in setting
            The  GOP-held  Senate  on                                                                                           conditions  on  the  delivery
            Wednesday  passed  a  bi-                                                                                           of funding to care for unac-
            partisan  $4.6  billion  mea-                                                                                       companied  children  and
            sure  to  deliver  aid  to  the                                                                                     contains  funding  opposed
            southern  border  before                                                                                            by  House  Democrats  for
            the  government  runs  out                                                                                          the Pentagon and to ease
            of money to care for thou-                                                                                          a payroll pinch at Immigra-
            sands  of  migrant  families                                                                                        tion and Customs Enforce-
            and  unaccompanied  chil-                                                                                           ment.
            dren.                                                                                                               The House and Senate bills
            The  sweeping  84-8  vote                                                                                           ensure  funding  could  not
            came  less  than  24  hours                                                                                         be  shifted  to  Trump’s  bor-
            after  the  Democratic-con-                                                                                         der  wall  and  would  block
            trolled  House  approved  a                                                                                         information  on  sponsors  of
            similar  measure  backed                                                                                            immigrant  children  from
            by  liberals.  The  House  bill  ,                                                                                  being used to deport them.
            which  contained  tougher                                                                                           Trump  would  be  denied
            requirements  for  how  de-                                                                                         additional  funding  for  Im-
            tained  children  must  be                                                                                          migration and Customs En-
            treated,  faced  a  White                                                                                           forcement detention beds.
            House veto threat and was                                                                                           Lawmakers’  sense  of  ur-
            easily rejected by the Sen-                                                                                         gency  was  amplified  by  a
            ate.                         Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., left, talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,   widely  circulated,  horrid
            As a result, it remained un-  D-Calif., before a House vote on the SAFE Act (Securing America’s Federal Elections Act) which   photo  of  the  bodies  of  a
            clear  how  the  two  cham-  aims to protect the integrity of elections from outside interference, at the Capitol in Washington,   migrant father and toddler
            bers  would  resolve  their   Wednesday, June 26, 2019.                                                             daughter  who  perished
            differences and send Presi-                                                                        Associated Press  on  the  banks  of  the  Rio
            dent Donald Trump a com-     how long they could be de-   together  with  the  Senate  Mitch  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  Grande River.
            promise  measure  that  he  tained.  They  would  block  to get something done. It’s  blasted  the  House  bill  ear-  Also building pressure were
            would sign.                  Trump from shifting the bill’s  humanitarian  aid.  It’s  very  lier Wednesday.        recent reports of gruesome
            House Speaker Nancy Pelo-    money  to  programs  Con-    important.”                  “They  had  to  drag  their  conditions  in  a  window-
            si, D-Calif., said Democrats  gress  has  not  specifically  The  final  outcome  isn’t  bill way to the left to earn  less Border Patrol station in
            would propose changes to  approved,  tighten  report-     clear.                       the  support  of  most  Dem-  Clint,  Texas,  where  more
            the  Senate  legislation  on  ing  requirements  and  let  Congress  plans  to  leave  ocrats,”  McConnell  said.  than  300  infants  and  chil-
            Thursday,  and  spokesman  lawmakers visit immigration  Washington  in  a  few  days  “As a result, the House has  dren  were  being  housed.
            Drew  Hammill  said  they  facilities  without  providing  for  a  weeklong  July  4  re-  not  made  much  progress  Many  were  kept  there  for
            planned  to  quickly  push  advance notice.               cess, and pressure is intense  toward  actually  making  a  weeks and were caring for
            the  amended  measure  Pelosi          called     Trump  to  wrap  up  the  legislation  law,  just  more  resistance  each  other  in  conditions
            through the House. That still  Wednesday      afternoon  before then. Failure to act  theater.”                     that  included  inadequate
            left questions about wheth-  to  discuss  the  measure.  could  bring  a  swift  politi-  Asked  Wednesday  if  he’s  food, water and sanitation.
            er  the  Senate  and  Trump  “There’s  some  improve-     cal  rebuke  and  accusa-    open  to  adding  some  The  Border  Patrol  report-
            would accept the revisions  ments  that  we  think  can  tions  of  ignoring  the  plight  language  sought  by  the  ed  apprehending  nearly
            and  how  quickly  the  Sen-  be  reconciled,”  Pelosi  told  of   innocent   immigrant  House,  McConnell  said,  133,000  people  last  month
            ate could act.               reporters.                   children  who  are  living  in  “We’re working on finishing  —  including  many  Central
            “We  pray  that  the  White  Trump said passing the leg-  overcrowded,  often  inad-   up this week and getting it  American  families  —  as
            House  and  the  Senate  will  islation was urgent as he left  equate federal facilities.  to the president.”       monthly totals have begun
            join  us  in  embracing  the  the White House for Japan  The  Senate  vote  comes  The  Senate  rejected  the  topping 100,000 for the first
            children and meeting their  and he appeared to leave  less  than  24  hours  after  House bill by 55-37.            time  since  2007.  Federal
            needs,” Pelosi said in a writ-  the door open for negotia-  the  House  passed  its  ver-  Both  House  and  Senate  agencies  involved  in  im-
            ten  statement  after  meet-  tions.                      sion  largely  along  party  measures  contain  more  migration  have  reported
            ing privately with other top  “We are moving along very  lines. The funding is urgently  than  $1  billion  to  shelter  being  overwhelmed,  de-
            House Democrats.             well with a bipartisan bill in  needed  to  prevent  the  and  feed  migrants  de-     pleting  their  budgets  and
            Pelosi’s  statement  called  the  Senate,”  Trump  said.  humanitarian  emergency  tained  by  the  border  pa-     housing   large   numbers
            for  inclusion  of  provisions  “It’s  very  far  along  and  I  on  the  U.S.-Mexico  border  trol and almost $3 billion to  of  detainees  in  structures
            setting  standards  of  care  believe  the  House  is  also  from worsening.           care  for  unaccompanied  meant  for  handfuls  of
            for  children  and  limiting  going  to  also  be  getting  Senate  Majority  Leader  migrant  children  who  are  people.q
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