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BUSINESS                 Saturday 5 OctOber 2019

            U.S. unemployment rate hits a 50-year low even as hiring slows

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER       rates  for  the  third  time  this
            AP Economics Writer          year  to  try  to  help  sustain
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  the expansion. At the same
            U.S. unemployment rate fell  time, the drop in the unem-
            to  3.5%  in  September,  the  ployment  rate  from  3.7%
            lowest  level  in  nearly  five  may  embolden  some  Fed
            decades, even though em-     officials  who  have  resisted
            ployers  appeared  to  turn  rate cuts. The U.S. economy
            more cautious and slowed  is  “in  a  good  place,”  Fed
            their  hiring.  The  economy  Chairman  Jerome  Pow-
            added  a  modest  136,000  ell said Friday in remarks in
            jobs, enough to likely ease  Washington.  “Our  job  is  to
            worries  that  an  economy  keep it there as long as pos-
            weakened  by  the  U.S.-     sible.”  Investors  appeared
            China trade war and tepid  pleased  that  the  jobs  re-
            global  growth  might  be  port  at  least  suggested
            edging toward a potential  that the economy remains
            recession. The government  resilient  for  now.  The  Dow
            on Friday also revised up its  Jones  Industrial  Average
            estimate  of  job  growth  in  was up nearly 300 points in
            July and August by a com-    afternoon trading.
            bined 45,000.                Excluding      government    In this Sept. 17, 2019, photo job seekers line up to speak to recruiters during an Amazon job fair in
            Still, a drop-off in the pace  hiring,  private-sector  job   Dallas. On Friday, Oct. 4, the U.S. government issues the September jobs report.
            of  hiring  compared  with  gains  over  the  past  three                                                                      Associated Press
            last year points to rising un-  months  have  slowed  to  employers  are  increasingly  trade  war  has  shut  down  nections and all of our Chi-
            certainty  among  employ-    an  average  of  119,000  a  risk-averse as global uncer-  markets  that  his  company  nese connections — we’re
            ers  about  the  job  market  month,  the  weakest  show-  tainty  and  recession  fears  was  developing  in  Europe  not  doing  business  with
            and  the  economy  in  the  ing in seven years.           rise,” Pollak said.          and China. This has forced  them right now,” he said.
            face  of  President  Donald  And  despite  ultra-low  un-  Trump  has  imposed  tariffs  him to postpone hiring and  The  weakest  sector  of  the
            Trump’s  numerous  trade  employment,          average  on  a  majority  of  Chinese  a planned expansion.          U.S.  economy  —  manu-
            conflicts.  Pay  growth  has  wages  slipped  in  Septem-  imports  and  is  threatening  “We were going to build a  facturing, which is likely al-
            also  weakened,  reflecting  ber, the Labor Department  to impose taxes on the rest  new  building,  and  add  a  ready  in  recession  —  cut
            the hesitance of employers  said.  Hourly  pay  rose  just  of them on Dec. 15, which  restaurant  and  bar,  which  2,000  jobs  in  September.
            to step up wages.            2.9%  from  a  year  earlier,  would  likely  escalate  pric-  would have expanded our  At  the  same  time,  retailers
            “The September jobs report  below  the  3.4%  year-over-  es for consumers and slow  employment  significantly,”  shed  11,400  jobs,  and  em-
            sent  some  conflicting  sig-  year gain earlier this year.  spending.                 Lix said.                    ployment  in  mining  and
            nals, but the big picture re-  Julia Pollak, a labor econo-  Adding  to  global  eco-  He  had  also  expected  to  logging was unchanged.
            mains one of a labor mar-    mist  at  jobs  marketplace  nomic pressures, the United  add  three  distillers  to  his  The  big  gains  last  month
            ket  —  and  an  economy  ZipRecruiter,  said  the  pay  Kingdom is nearing an Oct.  staff of 15. But that was be-  were in health care, which
            —  whose  growth  is  down-  that  employers  are  adver-  31  deadline  for  a  poten-  fore Europe and China im-  added  41,400  jobs,  and
            shifting  but  not  collaps-  tising has declined this year  tially  chaotic  exit  from  the  posed  retaliatory  tariffs  on  professional  and  business
            ing,”  said  Michael  Feroli,  after  rising  sharply  in  2018.  European  Union.  And  Ger-  U.S. bourbon — after Trump  services,   which   include
            an economist at JPMorgan  And  she  noted  that  the  many appears on the brink  had raised import taxes on  such  higher-paying  areas
            Chase.                       number  of  part-time  work-  of recession.               their  goods.  Europe  had  as  engineering  and  ac-
            The comparatively sluggish  ers  who  would  prefer  full-  Tom  Lix,  the  CEO  and  accounted  for  about  15%  counting  but  also  lower-
            hiring  data  makes  it  likely  time work has risen over the  founder of Cleveland Whis-  of Lix’s sales before the tar-  paying temp work.
            that  the  Federal  Reserve  past two months.             key,  which  distills  bourbon  iffs took effect.         That  sector  added  34,000
            later  this  month  will  cut  Those  trends  “show  that  and  rye  whiskies,  said  the  “All  of  our  European  con-  positions.q

               PayPal drops out of Libra, Facebook’s

               payments project

               By KEN SWEET                longstanding  and  valued  rency  project  a  comfort-
               AP Business Writer          strategic  partner  to  Pay-  able arm’s length distance
               NEW YORK (AP) — PayPal  Pal,  and  we  will  continue  from  Facebook,  which
               has  pulled  out  of  Face-  to  partner  with  and  sup-  wouldn’t own Libra.
               book’s  digital  currency  port  Facebook  in  various  Despite  Facebook’s  ef-
               project, known as Libra, a  capacities,” PayPal said.   forts,   financial   regula-
               blow  to  the  social  media  Facebook  has  presented  tors  as  well  as  members
               company  that  has  faced  Libra  as  a  currency  that  of  Congress  have  ques-
               stronger-than-expected  could  be  used  for  digi-     tioned   the   company’s
               scrutiny  over  its  proposed  tal  payments,  particularly  motives  for  creating  a
               creation of an alternative  outside  the  U.S.  It  would  new digital currency, par-  This  Wednesday,  Jan.  19,  2011  file  photo  shows  an  exterior
               payments system.            be  backed  by  real  cur-  ticularly in light of criticisms   view of eBay/PayPal offices in San Jose, Calif.
               The digital payments com-   rency,  unlike  other  digital  that  Facebook’s  business                                    Associated Press
               pany said Friday it is with-  currencies  like  Bitcoin  or  model is too invasive of its  mittee,  has  demanded  with  privacy  concerns,
               drawing from the Libra As-  Etherium.                   users’ privacy.            Facebook  founder  Mark  Waters’ has cited the po-
               sociation  so  it  can  focus  The   Libra   Association,  Rep.  Maxine  Waters,  the  Zuckerberg  testify  in  front  tential for Libra to be used
               on its existing businesses.  based  in  Switzerland,  was  chairwoman of the House  of  her  committee  before  in  money  laundering  and
               “Facebook  has  been  a  supposed to give the cur-      Financial  Services  Com-  Libra  is  rolled  out.  Along  other financial crimes. q
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