Page 28 - aruba-today-20191005
P. 28

                 Saturday 5 OctOber 2019
            Soaring eagle films crumbling Alpine glaciers as Earth warms

            By  CLAIRE  PARKER  and                                                                                             tor’s travels. A German gla-
            JOHN LEICESTER                                                                                                      cier that had hard-packed
            Associated Press                                                                                                    snow  when  he  first  visited
            PARIS  (AP)  —  The  images                                                                                         last  year is  now mushy, he
            will  be  stunningly  beautiful                                                                                     said.  “I  was  stunned,”  he
            yet  also  hint  of  dire  future                                                                                   said.  “The  difference  over
            consequences. Filmed with                                                                                           a year was incredible.”
            a  camera  mounted  be-                                                                                             Disintegrating  permafrost,
            tween  his  majestic  wings,                                                                                        which now glues a glacier’s
            they’ll  show  how  a  white-                                                                                       rocks  together,  can  cause
            tailed eagle named Victor                                                                                           them  to  crumble  with  po-
            sees  the  world  as  he  flies                                                                                     tentially  devastating  con-
            over the Alps and capture                                                                                           sequences.
            its  once-magnificent  gla-                                                                                         Victor’s flight comes as Ital-
            ciers  now  crumbling  be-                                                                                          ian  authorities  are  scram-
            cause of global warming.                                                                                            bling  to  respond  to  fears
            Their  wasting  away  is  un-                                                                                       that  part  of  a  large  Italian
            likely  to  be  a  pretty  sight.                                                                                   glacier  near  Mont  Blanc  is
            And that’s the whole point.                                                                                         on the verge of collapsing.
            Victor  will  embark  upon   In this image made from video provided by Eagle Wings Foundation/Chopard, aerial footage shot   They’ve warned that falling
            five  flights  this  week  over   by a camera attached to an eagle of a glacier in Western Europe.                  ice could endanger homes
            the  Alps.  Organizers  hope                                                                       Associated Press  and people in the Val Fer-
            his  spectacular  eagle’s-   the first time that we’ll really  A  colleague  will  release  slow Victor down.       ret  area,  a  popular  hiking
            view  footage  will  help  jolt  ride  on  an  eagle’s  back  Victor from the top of each  “It’s a bit like putting a wash-  area.
            the  world  out  of  climate-  over  such  distances  and  peak.  During  each  flight,  ing machine on the roof of  At  the  rate  the  planet  is
            change  apathy  and  to-     such  vistas,  and  see  how  the  eagle  will  fly  three  to  your  car.  You  don’t  go  as  warming,  it’s  too  late  to
            ward swifter action to com-  he flies.”                   five  kilometers  (1.8  to  3.1  fast and you use more en-  save the Alps’ glaciers, Free-
            bat its effects.             “How  can  you  convince  miles)  —  and  descend  ergy,” Travers said. “It’s the  dom Conservation Manag-
            His handler hopes that see-  people to protect the birds  1,500 to 3,000 meters (5,000  same for him. He doesn’t fly  ing Director Ronald Menzel
            ing  the  world  as  an  eagle  and  their  environment  if  to 9,800 feet) — in search of  as fast with that on his back  said. But it’s not too late to
            sees  it  will  also  convince  you never show them what  Travers below.               and  it  demands  a  greater  fight climate change more
            viewers  of  the  importance  the birds see?” he added.   “I  don’t  have  a  remote  effort from him.”             broadly.  He  hopes  Victor’s
            of  protecting  birds  and  Weather  permitting,  the  control.  So  if  he  doesn’t  But  Victor’s  earlier  flights  popularity  will  spur  viewers
            their  environments,  espe-  nine-year-old Victor will set  see me and decides not to  over  Paris  and  Burj  Khalifa  into  action.“We  hope  that
            cially  after  a  devastating  off Thursday from the top of  come to me, he could go  garnered  millions  of  views,  once  more,  people  are
            recent  report  chronicled  the Swiss mountain Piz Cor-   anywhere,” Travers said.     and  organizers  hope  the  going  to  see  nature  from
            their decline.               vatsch  with  a  360-degree  That’s  why  the  flights  are  bird’s heavy lifting will yield  a totally different perspec-
            “Humanity has two dreams:  camera  on  his  back  and  weather dependent. If Vic-      powerful images that make  tive  and  just  reconnect  to
            to  swim  with  dolphins  and  a GPS to track his progress.  tor’s  vision  is  obscured  by  disappearing  glaciers  im-  it and realize that wow, it’s
            fly with eagles,” French fal-  He’ll  fly  through  Germany,  clouds,  “he  won’t  come,”  possible to ignore.      actually  something  that  is
            coner  and  Freedom  Con-    Austria  and  Italy  before  Travers  said.  “It’s  essential  Travers  has  witnessed  the  amazing and that we want
            servation founder Jacques-   ending his mountain tour in  that he sees me.”            melting  firsthand  during  to  do  something  to  pre-
            Olivier  Travers  said.  “This  is  France on Oct. 7.     Carrying  a  camera  does  scouting trips ahead of Vic-   serve,” he said.q

                                                                      Dutch inventor says his ocean cleaning

                                                                      boom is working

                                                                      By MIKE CORDER               the Great Pacific Garbage  because  it  was  moving
                                                                      Associated Press             Patch,  an  area  of  floating  at  the  same  speed  as  the
                                                                      THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  plastic  trash  twice  the  size  plastic.  That  problem  was
                                                                      (AP) — After a series of set-  of Texas, Slat said.       overcome by using an un-
                                                                      backs, a system for catch-   But  he  sounded  a  note  of  derwater  parachute  an-
                                                                      ing  plastic  floating  in  the  caution, saying “if the jour-  chor  to  slow  the  boom  so
                                                                      Pacific  between  California  ney to this point taught us  it  catches  quicker  moving
                                                                      and  Hawaii  is  now  work-  anything  it  is  that  it’s  defi-  trash.  Also,  late  last  year,
            In this undated handout photo provided by The Ocean Clean   ing, its Dutch inventor said  nitely not going to be easy.”  the barrier broke under the
            Up, plastic is retained in front of an extended cork line in the   Wednesday.          The  floating  boom  with  constant  pummeling  by
            Pacific Ocean.
                                                     Associated Press  Boyan  Slat,  a  university  a  tapered  10-foot-deep  wind and waves in the Pa-
                                                                      dropout who founded The  (3-meter-deep) screen is in-     cific,  requiring  four  months
                                                                      Ocean  Cleanup  nonprofit,  tended to act like a coast-   of repairs before being re-
                                                                      announced  that  the  float-  line,  trapping  some  of  the  launched  from  Vancouver
                                                                      ing  boom  is  skimming  up  1.8  trillion  pieces  of  plastic  in June. The system also ex-
                                                                      waste  ranging  in  size  from  that scientists estimate are  perienced  a  problem  with
                                                                      a discarded net and a car  swirling  in  the  patch  while  “overtopping”   _   waves
                                                                      wheel complete with tire to  allowing marine life to safe-  that  pushed  the  plastic
                                                                      chips  of  plastic  measuring  ly swim beneath it.        over  the  line  of  floating
                                                                      just 1 millimeter.           After  it  was  towed  out  to  corks that hold the screen.
                                                                      The  results  are  promising  sea  last  year,  the  barrier  That was solved by using a
                                                                      enough to begin designing  did not catch any trash in  line of larger corks to corral
                                                                      a second system to send to  its  first  weeks  of  operation  the plastic. q
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