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                 Saturday 5 OctOber 2019
                                                                      Review: Funny how? In ‘Joker’

                                                                      a villain turns ‘70s anti-hero

                                                                      By JAKE COYLE                nabe  stand-up.  In  the  also been better with simi-
                                                                      AP Film Writer               opening  scene,  he’s  cak-  larly broken souls in films like
                                                                      An  air  of  menace  and  a  ing his face with makeup in  “The Master” and “The Im-
                                                                      cloud  of  controversy  ac-  front of a mirror. His smile al-  migrant.”
                                                                      company  the  arrival  of  ready has a plainly forced,  In close-up, Phoenix’s smiles
                                                                      Todd  Phillips’  “Joker”  like  unnatural  form.  It’s  the  are  ghastly.  He  chokes  on
                                                                      a  thick  perfume.  That,  in  crooked  outward  manifes-  his  laughter.  He’s  been
                                                                      itself,  could  be  something  tation  of  Arthur’s  anguish.  raised  to  smile  through
                                                                      to  celebrate.  Danger  isn’t  Laughter is the symptom of  pain,  tragically  divorcing
                                                                      a quality often found in the  his  heavily  medicated  dis-  himself  from  expressing  his
                                                                      sanitized  corporate-made  turbia (“All I have is nega-   emotions.
            This  image  released  by  Warner  Bros.  Pictures  shows  Joaquin   movies  of  today,  least  of  tive  thoughts,”  he  tells  his  “Joker” is driven not by any
            Phoenix in a scene from “Joker,” in theaters on Oct. 4.   all  in  the  safe,  fan-friendly  social-services  case  work-  outside  force  but  the  omi-
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      world of comic-book films.   er),  a  product,  we  learn,  nous  sense  of  something
                                                                      “Joker,” though, is a calcu-  of  a  childhood  of  abuse.  bad  welling  up  in  the  un-
                                                                      latedly  combustible  con-   To  those  who  look  at  him  loved  Arthur.  Having  won
                                                                      coction,  designed,  like  its  strangely he hands a card  our sympathy through end-
                                                                      chaos-creating  character,  informing  them  that  he  less indignities, we begin to
                                                                      to cause a stir. To provoke  laughs inappropriately, like  almost  root  for  him  to  lash
                                                                      and distort. I wish it was as  a condition of Tourette’s.  out.  When  he  does,  one
                                                                      radical as it thinks it is.  We  are,  immediately,  in  night  on  a  nearly  empty
                                                                      Instead,  “Joker”  is  a  mes-  a  realm  very  far  from  the  subway  (a  subterranean
                                                                      merizing,  misjudged  at-    spandexed world of super-    gloom pervades the whole
                                                                      tempt  to  marry  the  mad-  hero movies. Where there is  film),  Arthur  has,  in  a  trou-
                                                                      ness  of  a  disturbed  indi-  usually  superficial  shine,  in  bling  way,  self-actualized.
                                                                      vidual  to  today’s  violent  the human-sized, adult-ori-  This is, of course, who he’s
                                                                      and  clownish  times.  It’s  a  ented  “Joker”  there  is  grit  meant to be. And it’s that
                                                                      shallow,  under-examined  and grime. It’s 1981 in Go-     leap,  from  self-pity  wal-
                                                                      movie  that  renders  the  tham, but the fictional city  lowing to wanton revenge
                                                                      dark descent of a troubled  has  never  been  so  unmis-  meted  out  on  a  sick  soci-
                                                                      man  with  an  operatic  fer-  takably  New  York,  home  ety, that has made “Joker”
                                                                      vor. That this feels so famil-  also  to  Scorsese’s  Travis  rightfully  debated.  Rather
                                                                      iar,  like  the  backstories  of  Bickle  and  Rupert  Pupkin.  than surround Arthur’s hor-
                                                                      countless  unhinged  gun-    Due  to  a  strike,  garbage  rifying  transformation  with
                                                                      men  that  so  populate  our  has  piled  up  on  the  side-  context,   alternatives   or
                                                                      tragedy-filled  newspapers,  walks.  Reports  of  “super  rays of light _ whether they
                                                                      could  be  seen  as  a  pow-  rats” have hit the tabloids.  fall on him or not _ “Joker”
                                                                      erful and grim reflection of  While twirling a sign on the  simply hitches a ride on his
                                                                      today.  Since  the  film  has  sidewalk  (“Everything  Must  freefall in mania.
                                                                      already  so  stuck  a  nerve,  Go”), Arthur is harassed by  There’s  a  moment  when
                                                                      perhaps  it  is.  But  conjuring  a group of teenagers and  the  film  could  have  chart-
                                                                      psychosis for the sake of a  then beaten and mugged  ed a different path toward
                                                                      pre-determined  origin  sto-  in a nearby alleyway.       a deeper character study.
                                                                      ry, make “Joker” feel cav-   For  Arthur,  everything  has  Instead,  it  gets  on  with
                                                                      alier  and  opportunistic.  Its  already gone. His life is piti-  what  needs  to  happen,
                                                                      danger, really, is no deeper  ful and unrelentingly bleak.  the chaos necessary to un-
                                                                      than a clown’s make-up.      Athur  lives  with  his  mother  lock,  with  a  cold-blooded
                                                                      The  template  of  “Joker”  (Frances Conroy). His tenu-   smothering and point-blank
                                                                      isn’t  anything  from  the  ous  grip  on  employment  shooting. Arthur’s pain and
                                                                      comics  (Phillips  wrote  the  slips away when a gun, giv-  psychosis has been offered
                                                                      film  with  Scott  Silver)  but  en to him by a coworker af-  up, in the end, not to lead
                                                                      a  pair  of  Martin  Scorsese  ter the mugging, slides out  to any understanding of his
                                                                      films  about  twisted  loners:  of his pants while entertain-  condition, but for its violent
                                                                      “Taxi Driver” and “The King  ing children at a hospital.  release,  and  to  link  to  the
                                                                      of  Comedy.”  To  make  the  Phoenix,  among  the  finest  required  comic-book  ar-
                                                                      point, Phillips has cast Rob-  actors  working,  is  dramati-  chitecture.
                                                                      ert De Niro, the star of both  cally  thinner  here,  turning  It’s  a  testament  to  the
                                                                      of those films, as a late-night  him sinewy and sinister. His  potency  of  Phillips’  vision
                                                                      host  whose  show  Arthur  face and movement holds  that  “Joker”  has  already
                                                                      Fleck  (Joaquin  Phoenix),  the movie together. It’s im-  become  such  a  talking
                                                                      our Joker-to-be, dreams of  possible to look away from  point.  Phillips  and  Phoe-
                                                                      being on. Phillips, the mak-  an  actor  so  fully,  so  hyp-  nix  have  made  something
                                                                      er of male comedies about  notically  throwing  himself  to  reckon  with,  certainly,
                                                                      clung-to      adolescence  into  a  character,  even  if  and that alone makes it a
                                                                      (“Road Trip,” “Old School,”  there’s an acting-class self-  bold  exception  in  a  frus-
                                                                      “The  Hangover”),  has  el-  consciousness to the whole  tratingly safe genre. But its
                                                                      evated the Joker from DC  production _ one surely in-     biggest  danger  is  in  not  il-
                                                                      Comics villain to ‘70s-movie  debted  in  spirit  to  Heath  lustrating but catering to a
                                                                      anti-hero.                   Ledger’s whole-body trans-   world gone mad. You have
                                                                      The  Arthur  we  meet  is  a  formation  in  “The  Dark  to  ask,  in  the  end,  why  so
                                                                      clown-for-hire  and  a  wan-  Knight.”  But  Phoenix  has  serious?q
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