P. 14

                     Friday 10 august 2018

            More LGBT activities wanted on Aruba

                                                                                                   cret. Aruba accepts mostly  themselves.  It’s  a  bar  in
                                                                                                   persons of other sexual ori-  Oranjestad  known  for  its
                                                                                                   entations  but  not  really  in  clients  being  gay.  Croes
                                                                                                   the  open.  Or  only  during  also says that in other bars
                                                                                                   Carnival.  Two  man  kissing  they don’t feel as comfort-
                                                                                                   each other, holding hands,  able  of  dancing  together,
                                                                                                   it’s still difficult.        etc.  He  hopes  that  more
                                                                                                                                companies will visibly show
                                                                                                   But as Marriott’s Director of  that  they’re  LGBT  friendly.
                                                                                                   Multicultural  Affairs,  See-  That  they  do  an  effort  for
                                                                                                   ma  Jain  also  stated,  even  this community to feel wel-
                                                                                                   warned: the Millennials are  come  and  train  personnel
                                                                                                   far  more  accepting.  And  about  how  to  treat  and
                                                                                                   if  a  company  doesn’t  go  communicate  with  them
                                                                                                   with that flow, they will be  without being unnecessary
                                                                                                   confronted  with  this  when  offensive.
                                                                                                   looking  for  personnel  or
                                                                                                   pleasing clients.            But  in  the  end  he  agreed
                                                                                                                                with  the  public  present  at
                                                                                                   Croes also mentioned that  the celebration that a spe-
            It’s  still  a  rare  occasion  global  chain  choose  this  culture.                  Aruba  doesn’t  have  a  lot  cial mark to show compa-
            when  a  company  on  Aru-   island  particularly  as  the                             of  places  that  are  LGBT  nies are LGBT friendly should
            ba reaches out to the LGBT  first  Caribbean  destination  However  Aruba  is  not  that  friendly. When asked, what  not be necessary when ev-
            community.  So  for  Aruba  to  celebrate  LGBT  Culture  far yet as the personal story  he  means  by  LGBT  activi-  eryone  would  treat  each
            Marriott hotel hosting its first  Day.  As  experienced  trav-  of Croes demonstrated. His  ties, he says there’s for ex-  other  equally.  “But  that  is
            LGBT Culture Day for its as-  elers might discover, Aruba  parents didn’t mind he was  ample only one bar where  still not the situation.” q
            sociates and local custom-   is not its typical Caribbean  gay as long as he kept it se-  he and his partner can be
            ers  on  July  25,  a  big  ap-  island. Due to Aruba still has
            plause.  And also for Hen-   a very close connection to
            drik  ‘Endy’  Croes,  a  local  Europe, forming part of the
            who  had  the  courage  to  Dutch Kingdom, which you
            co-present  with  Marriott’s  could say had and has an
            Director of Multicultural Af-  influence on how LGBT per-
            fairs, Seema Jain.           sons  are  received.  In  con-
                                         trast with the more macho
            Croes  is  spokesperson  for  dominated countries in the
            the  Aruban  airport  author-  region  where  other  sexual
            ity and also know in his free  orientations are far less ac-
            time  helping  with  beauty  cepted.
            pageants  and  other  ac-
            tivities  where  his  eye  and  Aruba  was  the  first  Dutch
            techniques  for  beauty  is  Caribbean  island  that  al-
            needed.  But  Croes  is  also  lowed  registration  of  mar-
            married  to  another  man,  ried  homosexual  couples,
            hence  his  sexual  orienta-  giving  them  equal  rights,
            tion is homosexual.          even to adopt children. This
                                         was a huge step for a com-
            His  personal  story  reflects  munity  where  the  catholic
            how the situation is on Aru-  religion still dominates and
            ba. And why Marriott as a  is very intertwined with the
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