P. 13

                                                                                                                           Friday 10 august 2018

            Indulge in Your Own Paradise

            EAGLE  BEACH  —  Imagine:  belongings stay safe in one
            a  white-sanded  beach,  locked bedroom while the
            blue-turquoise  ocean,  in-  rest  of  the  place  can  be
            viting  pool  with  lazy  sun  rented out.
            beds  and  an  amazing
            residence  where  you  feel  Trust & Uniqueness
            home, no actually: it IS your  “Two  infinity  pools,  a  Ja-
            home. A dream come true  cuzzi  area,  tennis  court
            as  you  are  the  owner  of  and  club  house  with  gym,
            a  condominium  at  Azure  sauna, grill and pool table
            Beach  Residences,  right  are  available.  Important
            on  the  foot  of  Aruba’s  Ea-  to  mention  is  that  we  are
            gle  Beach,  a  multiple  re-  energy efficient as all units
            warded beach as the best  have double glass, we use
            in  the  Caribbean.  Aruba  a well for watering the gar-
            Today  spent  some  time  den  and  solar  panels  for
            with one of the enthusiastic  lightning. We are most eco-
            sales representatives of this  friendly  as  possible”,  says
            piece  of  heaven,  Marinel-  Marinelda.  In  her  opinion
            da Cataya.                   potential  buyers  want  to
                                         feel trust and that is exactly
            All   condominiums    face  what  Azure  offers  as  you
            the  clear  blue  ocean  with  see  the  finished  result  of
            the  white-sandy  beach-     Tower  I  where  they  almost
            es,  even  the  ones  on  the  sold  all  units.  “So  you  can
            ground  floor.  Space  wise  feel  comfortable  with  the
            you cannot go wrong: the  investment.  Unique  also  is
            2  -bedroom  condomini-      that  you  will  find  few  con-
            ums are 1024 sq. ft. and the  dominiums  right  in  front  of
            3-bedroom units 1670 sq. ft.  the  beach,  so  your  sun-
            Storage  is  included  so  just  set  and  ocean  view  are
            leave your chairs and bicy-  included.  Your  condo  is
            cles locked up, even when  delivered with luxury appli-
            you  rent  out  your  units,  ances,  here  you  meet  the
            rooms  are  offered  in  lock  comfort of a resort yet the  Your home with the conve-  90 % Sold                    room, 3-bedroom units and
            offs meaning your personal  privacy of your own place.  nience of the resort.”           “We  have  the  first  tower  3-  bedroom  penthouses
                                                                                                   completed  since  last  June  at  the  8th  floor.”  Ideal  for
                                                                                                   and  sold  already  90  per-  couples  are  the  1-bed-
                                                                                                   cent, the second tower is in  room  units  and  they  can
                                                                                                   construction  and  already  rent  them  out  easily,  the
                                                                                                   we  sold  the  first  condo-  occupancy is more than 80
                                                                                                   miniums.”  Tower  1  has  45  percent.
                                                                                                   units  on  the  northern  and
                                                                                                   southern  corner,  we  only  “We  are  a  preferred  resi-
                                                                                                   have  three  3-  bedroom  dence, it is not a time share
                                                                                                   units, all rest has been sold  but  you  have  benefits
                                                                                                   already.  Than  we  offer  2  when  you  are  member  of
                                                                                                   units  at  the  upper  level  of  preferred  residence  like
                                                                                                   the  Clubhouse  which  has  unlimited  golf  course  use,
                                                                                                   on  the  ground  level  the  priority  pass  at  airport,  dis-
                                                                                                   restaurant  and  the  lobby  counts of all preferred ven-
                                                                                                   and on the upper level the  ues, just like a membership
                                                                                                   gym,  area  for  grill  and  a  club”, explains Marinelda.
                                                                                                   pool table. Tower 2 will of-
                                                                                                   fer  60  units  and  we  have  For  more  information  you
                                                                                                   just  opened  the  inventory  can visit the website http://
                                                                                                   recently. “We already sold
                                                                                                   20 units. The Tower is sched-  The sales office is open ev-
                                                                                                   uled to be ready in the first  ery  week  day  from  9  AM
                                                                                                   quarter  of  2020  and  offers  -5 PM, Saturdays 10 AM - 1
                                                                                                   studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bed-   PM.q

             Harbour House is another project of this group that will be launched soon in downtown, offering 94 condominiums, just in front of Renaissance Mall. Studio’s and 2-3
             bedrooms, a 360 degrees view gym and Jacuzzi on top. Located in the former Marazul building. More information can be found at: www.
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