P. 8

                     Friday 10 august 2018

            France: 1,600 evacuated as flash floods threaten camp sites

            Associated Press                                          mainly  from  campsites,  a  a town on the Ceze River,  Drome regions.
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Hundreds  of                              top  district  official,  Thierry  Dousset  said.  They  were  "No  one  has  suitcases.  We
            rescuers  backed  by  heli-                               Dousset, told France's BFM-  among 10 people hospital-    just have what we're wear-
            copters  evacuated  about                                 TV news channel.             ized with minor injuries, the  ing,"  Rita  Mauersberger,  a
            1,600 people, most of them                                Search  teams  that  includ-  Gard Gendarmerie said on  visitor  from  Germany  who
            campers,  in  three  regions                              ed  divers  combed  swollen  its Facebook page.           was  among  the  campers
            of  southern  France  where                               waters for a man reported  After  a  hot  spell,  the  flash  taking shelter in a local hall
            heavy  rain  caused  flash                                missing. BFM-TV said he was  flooding  in  the  northern  in  Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas,
            flooding  and  transformed                                a 70-year-old German citi-   part  of  the  Gard  region  told France Info radio.
            rivers  and  streams  into  tor-                          zen serving as a monitor at  turned   the   Ceze   and  More  than  400  firefight-
            rents,  the  interior  minister                           the  Saint-Julien-de-Peyro-  L'Ardeche rivers into churn-  ers and gendarmes, many
            said Thursday.                                            las site and feared to have  ing waterways that quickly  sent  in  from  other  regions,
            Hardest  hit  was  the  Gard                              been swept away by flood  spilled  out  of  their  banks.  helped in the evacuations,
            region, where 119 children,                               waters along with his van.   Nearby  regions  —  all  part  using  helicopters  to  spot
            many of them from Germa-                                  However,  Dousset,  the  top  of the verdant and moun-    camp  sites  and  occasion-
            ny,  were  evacuated  from                                aide  of  the  Gard  adminis-  tainous  Cevennes  —  also  ally to perform rescues.
            their  campsite  at  Saint-                               tration,  said  no  one  knew  saw flooding.              Numerous roads in the area
            Julien-de-Peyrolas,  Interior   In this image from video, flash   for certain yet that the man  Collomb, the interior minis-  remained  cut  off  as  night
            Minister  Gerard  Collomb    floods send a torrent of water   was in his van at the time.  ter, said in a statement that  fell. Authorities warned that
                                         down  a  street  in  Aubagne,
            said in a statement.         France  on  Thursday,  Aug.  9,   Four German children were  1,600  people  were  evacu-  the  flooding  would  take
            About  750  people  in  all   2018.                       hospitalized  for  hypother-  ated as a precaution in the  time to recede and urged
            were  evacuated  in  Gard,               Associated Press  mia  in  Bagnols-sur-Ceze,  Gard, the Ardeche and the  people to be vigilant.q

            Estonia halts NATO air drills after jet misfires missile

            By JARI TANNER               Juri Luik said Thursday.     has  a  range  of  up  to  100  explosives.               ance. The three  former So-
            HELSINKI  (AP)  —  Estonia's  "The Spanish defense minis-  kilometers (62 miles.) It may  While  Luik  urged  Spain  to  viet republics don't possess
            defense  minister  has  or-  ter has apologized and ex-   have  crashed  into  a  re-  conduct a thorough inves-    fighter jets of their own.
            dered  a  halt  to  NATO  air  pressed  deep  regret,"  Luik  mote nature reserve in the  tigation,  he  also  launched  The  air  policing  is  carried
            exercises  in  Estonia  pend-  said at a news conference  eastern Jogeva region, not  an  internal  review  of  the  out  from  NATO's  bases  in
            ing  an  investigation  after  in  the  Estonian  capital  of  far  from  Estonia's  border  safety  regulations  for  ar-  Siauliai, Lithuania, and Am-
            a  missile  was  accidentally  Tallinn,  adding  that  the  with  Russia,  or  triggered  its  ranging military air exercis-  ari,  Estonia.  French,  Portu-
            fired  over  the  Baltic  coun-  commander of the Spanish  built-in  self-destruct  mode  es  in  the  tiny  NATO  nation  guese  and  Spanish  fighter
            try's airspace by a Spanish  Armed  Forces  apologized  and  exploded  in  midair,  of 1.3 million.                 jets are currently in charge
            fighter jet on a military exer-  as well.                 Luik said.                   Until the completion of that  of  the  rotating  four-month
            cise this week.              Estonian  Prime  Minister  Juri  The  Eurofighter  Typhoon  review  "I  have  suspended  mission.
            The  air-to-air  missile  that  Ratas  spoke  with  NATO  jet belonging to the Span-   all  NATO  exercises  in  the  In Moscow, Russian Foreign
            was  erroneously  launched  Secretary-General      Jens  ish  Air  Force  was  part  of  Estonian airspace," he said.  Ministry spokeswoman Ma-
            Tuesday  over  southern  Es-  Stoltenberg  on  Wednes-    NATO's  Baltic  air-policing  Luik  reaffirmed  Estonia's  ria Zakharova said Thursday
            tonia has not been found,  day,  expressing  Estonia's  mission  based  in  Lithuania  trust in NATO's Baltic air mis-  the Estonian missile incident
            but no people were report-   concern  over  the  "serious  and  was  carrying  air-to-air  sion,  which  started  in  2004  showed  that  NATO's  air
            ed  injured  or  killed  by  the  incident."              missiles containing up to 10  as Estonia, Latvia and Lithu-  drills are security risks for the
            misfiring,  Defense  Minister  The  AMRAAM-type  missile  kilograms  (22  pounds)  of  ania joined the military alli-  region.q

             Turkey to outline 'new economic model' as currency slides

            By SUZAN FRASER              pastor's  detention  led  to                                                           tional Monetary Fund or de-
            ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Tur-   Washington imposing puni-                                                              cide to put limits on money
            key's government says it will  tive sanctions on two Turk-                                                          outflows  from  the  country.
            outline  a  "new  economic  ish  Cabinet  ministers  and                                                            Because  IMF  help  comes
            model" on Friday as the na-  warning  of  possible  addi-                                                           with  policies  prescriptions,
            tional currency hit another  tional measures.                                                                       analysts  say  that  Erdogan
            record low amid concerns  That added to existing con-                                                               could  be  more  inclined  to
            about  the  president's  poli-  cerns  about  the  indepen-                                                         try to control money flows.
            cies  and  an  ongoing  dis-  dence of the central bank.                                                            Finance  and  Treasury  Min-
            pute with the U.S.           President  Recep  Tayyip  Er-                                                          ister  Berat  Albayrak,  who
            The  lira,  which  has  fallen  dogan  wants  the  bank  to                                                         is   Erdogan's   son-in-law,
            about 30 percent since the  keep  rates  low  to  support                                                           will  present  the  outlines  of
            start  of  the  year,  dropped  economic  growth,  but  in-                                                         a  new  economic  model
            to  another  low  of  5.47  dependent economists say                                                                on  Friday,  his  ministry  said
            against the dollar on Thurs-  it  should  be  free  to  raise   Turkey's  President  Recep  Tayyip  Erdogan  announces  plan  of   Thursday.
            day.                         rates to rein in inflation.  action for the first 100 days of his new presidency, in Ankara,   The ministry said it expects
            The  slide  followed  news  Turkey  finances  a  lot  of  its   Turkey, Friday, Aug. 3, 2018.                       inflation, currently nearly 16
            that high level meetings in  economic growth with for-                                             Associated Press  percent, to return to single
            Washington  between  U.S.  eign  investment,  making  it                                                            digits  and  that  the  current
            and  Turkish  officials  over  a  particularly  vulnerable  to  vestors, who could pull their  cial instability.    account  deficit  would  be
            detained  American  pas-     a  slide  in  the  currency.  A  money  out  —  reinforcing  In  such  a  case,  Turkey  lowered  from  the  current
            tor  concluded  without  an  weaker  currency  weakens  the currency drop and po-      could  either  seek  financial  5.5  percent  of  GDP  to  4
            apparent  resolution.  The  returns for those foreign in-  tentially  leading  to  finan-  assistance from the Interna-  percent. q
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