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A4   U.S. NEWS
                     Friday 10 august 2018

            Member of Congress, member of corporate board? It's allowed

            By RICHARD LARDNER                                                                                                  veloped  to  treat  multiple
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            sclerosis was a clinical fail-
            indictment  of  Rep.  Chris                                                                                         ure.  They  said  Collins  told
            Collins  on  insider  trading                                                                                       his son, who then dumped
            charges  is  drawing  new                                                                                           his  stock  in  the  company
            attention  to  the  freedom                                                                                         before the trial results were
            members      of   Congress                                                                                          announced  publicly.  Sev-
            have to serve on corporate                                                                                          eral other people also ben-
            boards  or  to  buy  and  sell                                                                                      efited from the inside infor-
            stock  in  industries  they're                                                                                      mation.
            responsible for overseeing.                                                                                         A law known as the STOCK
            Collins,  a  New  York  Re-                                                                                         Act and signed into law by
            publican,  has  denied  any                                                                                         President Barack Obama in
            wrongdoing       stemming                                                                                           April  2012  prevents  mem-
            from  his  involvement  with                                                                                        bers  of  Congress  "from
            Innate  Immunotherapeu-                                                                                             trading  stocks  based  on
            tics Limited, a biotechnolo-                                                                                        nonpublic information they
            gy company based in Syd-                                                                                            gleaned on Capitol Hill," ac-
            ney,  Australia.  He  was  In-                                                                                      cording  to  a  White  House
            nate's  largest  shareholder,                                                                                       fact  sheet  issued  at  the
            holding  nearly  17  percent                                                                                        time. The law also required
            of its shares. He also was a                                                                                        that members of Congress
            member of the company's                                                                                             report  certain  "investment
            board of directors — an ar-   In this July 19, 2016 file photo, Rep. Chris Collins, R-NY. speaks in Cleveland.      transactions" within 45 days
            rangement that itself isn't a                                                                      Associated Press  of making the trade.
            violation of the law. Yet it's                                                                                      But, according to a report
            a connection that can cre-   stunned"  by  Collins'  posi-  of   high-level   executive  "There  should  never  be  a  Holman  issued  last  year,
            ate  the  potential  for  con-  tion,  said  Holman.  "'Really,  branch officials," Clark said.  doubt  in  the  public's  mind  the law's primary goal was
            flicts of interest.          they can sit on a board of  Stan  Brand,  senior  coun-   to lead them to think their  to reduce insider trading by
            Members  of  Congress  are  directors?'"                  sel  at  the  Washington  law  Representative  could  be  members of Congress, "not
            not  prohibited  from  serv-  Government  ethics  lawyer  firm  Akin  Gump  and  for-  corrupted  or  incriminated  reduce  stock  trading  per
            ing on corporate boards as  Kathleen Clark said anoth-    mer general counsel to the  because  of  their  stake  or  se."
            long  as  they  don't  receive  er  downside  of  permitting  House,  said  the  strength  position  in  a  private  com-  Public  Citizen  compiled  a
            any  compensation  for  do-  members  of  Congress  to  of  the  laws  against  insider  pany," Rice and Reed said  database  of  stock  trad-
            ing so.                      be  on  corporate  boards  is  trading  should  allay  fears  in a joint statement.    ing activity by U.S. senators
            The thinking behind this ex-  that they may feel a sense  about  corporate  board  It's  difficult  to  know  how  three years before the law's
            ception, which doesn't ex-   of  loyalty  to  the  business,  service by lawmakers. It's ir-  many   lawmakers   have  passage  and  three  years
            tend to top-level executive  spurring  them  to  share  in-  relevant whether members  board    positions.   Each  after.  It  found  that  "many
            branch officials, is to ensure  formation with the compa-  serve on boards, he said. It's  member of Congress files a  individual  senators  con-
            that  lawmakers  aren't  pre-  ny  they  obtained  through  what they do with sensitive  financial  disclosure  report  tinue  to  be  very  active  in
            vented  from  accepting  government service.              information that counts.     each  year,  but  there's  no  the stock market and often
            positions  on  the  boards  of  Clark,  a  law  professor  at  Brand  said  the  potential  central  database  where  trade  stocks  in  businesses
            charities  or  other  philan-  Washington  University  in  distraction  of  being  on  a  that  information  is  avail-  that  they  oversee  in  their
            thropic  organizations,  ac-  St.  Louis,  also  challenged  corporate board should be  able.                       official capacity."
            cording to Craig Holman of  the  notion  that  service  on  a bigger concern.          Collins   was     arrested  For  example,  the  report
            the nonpartisan advocacy  non-commercial  organiza-       "Being  a  member  of  Con-  Wednesday  and  charged  said  Sen.  Bob  Corker,  R-
            group Public Citizen.        tions  is  inherently  altruistic  gress  is  supposed  to  be  a  with  conspiracy,  securities  Tenn.,  traded  hundreds  of
            Holman,  who  lobbies  in  and doesn't come with po-      full-time job," he said.     fraud, wire fraud and mak-   thousands  of  dollars  worth
            Washington for stricter gov-  tential  conflicts  of  interest.  Two  New  York  lawmak-  ing false statements to the  of  stock  in  energy  infra-
            ernment ethics and lobby-    Even  nonprofits  can  have  ers,  Democrat  Kathleen  FBI.  Parallel  charges  were  structure  businesses  while
            ing  rules,  noted  that  law-  an interest in seeing partic-  Rice  and  Republican  Tom  filed against two other peo-  he  was  a  member  of  the
            makers  are  often  privy  to  ular legislation passed, she  Reed,  announced  Thurs-  ple, including Collins' son.  Senate  Banking  Commit-
            sensitive information before  said.                       day they plan to introduce  Prosecutors say Rep. Collins  tee.  And  Sen.  Tom  Udall,
            it  becomes  public.  That  "In  almost  every  situation,  legislation  that  would  up-  got an email from Innate's  D-N.M.,  traded  in  natural
            makes  the  opportunity  for  the ethics standards mem-   date House rules to prohibit  CEO while attending a pic-  resources  and  precious
            insider trading "very preva-  bers  of  Congress  impose  members  from  serving  on  nic  last  year  at  the  White  metal stock while on a sub-
            lent," he said.              on  themselves  are  more  the boards of publicly held  House  that  said  a  trial  of  committee  that  oversees
            "My    own    office   was  lax than what they require  companies.                     a  drug  the  company  de-   these industries.q
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