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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 10 august 2018

            Pence outlines U.S. Space Force plan for 'next battlefield'

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR          weapons to jam, blind and
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  disable our navigation and
            Pointing    to     growing  communication      satellites
            threats  and  competition  via electronic attacks from
            from  Russia  and  China,  the ground."
            the    White   House    on  "As  their  actions  make
            Thursday       announced  clear,      our    adversaries
            ambitious  plans  to  create  have  transformed  space
            the  U.S.  Space  Force  as  into  a  warfighting  domain
            a  sixth,  separate  military  already,  and  the  United
            warfighting service by 2020.  States  will  not  shrink  from
            The  proposal  taps  into  the  this challenge," he said.
            American    public's   long  In  June,  the  president
            fascination  with  space  —  directed   the   Pentagon
            but  with  a  military  focus.  to  create  a  "separate
            The  plan  faces  daunting  but  equal"  space  force,
            hurdles    and     requires  a     complicated      and
            congressional    approval.  expensive     move      that
            Military leaders and experts  could  take  years  to  gain
            have     questioned    the  Congress'  approval  and
            wisdom  of  launching  an  become  operational.  On
            expensive,    bureaucratic  Thursday,  Pence  said  the
            new service branch.          administration will work with   Vice President Mike Pence, center, is greeted by Deputy Secretary of Defense Pat Shanahan,
            Vice President Mike Pence  Congress  on  the  plan  and   left, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis before speaking at an event on the creation of a United
            announced the new force  will  outline  a  budget  next   States Space Force, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, at the Pentagon.
            during a Pentagon speech,  year. The last time the U.S.                                                                         Associated Press
            fleshing  out  an  idea  that  created  a  new  uniformed
            President Donald Trump has  military service was in 1947,  was  rooted  in  concerns  provide  communications,  a       Space    Development
            extolled  in  recent  months  when  the  Air  Force  was  about  spending  more  on  navigation,      intelligence  Agency  to  more  quickly
            as  he  vowed  to  ensure  launched  after  World  War  overhead while under strict  and  other  services  vital  identify  and  develop  new
            American  dominance  in  II. It joined the Army, Navy,  budget  caps  —  implying  to  the  military  and  the  technologies,       a   Space
            space.  Pence  described  Marine  Corps  and  Coast  that those worries may not  national economy.                  Operations     Force    of
            space  as  a  domain  that  Guard.                        be as great now.             U.S.  intelligence  agencies  leaders  and  fighters  and
            was  once  peaceful  and  Defense       Secretary   Jim  Deborah      James,    who  reported  earlier  this  year  a  new  support  structure.
            uncontested  but  has  now  Mattis     has    endorsed  served      as   Air   Force  that Russia and China were  In  the  second  phase,  the
            become     crowded     and  steps  to  reorganize  the  secretary    for   the   final  pursuing   "nondestructive  Pentagon  would  combine
            adversarial.                 military's space-warfighting  three years of the Obama  and      destructive"   anti-  all the components into the
            "Now  the  time  has  come  forces    and    create   a  administration,  estimated  satellite  weapons  for  use  new sixth branch of service.
            to  write  the  next  great  new     command,       but  it would be five to 10 years  during  a  future  war.  And  In the meantime, the Space
            chapter in the history of our  he   previously   opposed  before  a  separate  service  there  are  growing  worries  Command  would  be  led
            armed  forces,  to  prepare  launching  an  expensive  would be fully formed.          about  cyberattacks  that  by  a  four-star  general,
            for  the  next  battlefield  new service. A new branch  "Eventually,  it'll  settle  out,  could   target   satellite  and  Pence  said  a  new
            where  America's  best  and  of the military would require  but  you  will  go  through  technology,   potentially  high-level  civilian  post  —
            bravest  will  be  called  to  layers   of   bureaucracy,  years  of  thrashing.  And  leaving  troops  in  combat  assistant defense secretary
            deter  and  defeat  a  new  military and civilian leaders,  is  that  thrashing  going  to  without    electronic  for space — would also be
            generation  of  threats  to  uniforms,  equipment  and  slow your momentum or is it  communications            or  created.
            our people, to our nation,"  an    expansive    support  going to help you achieve  navigation abilities.           "We  are  glad  that  the
            Pence said.                  structure.                   your goals and address the  The  Pentagon  proposal  Pentagon  is  finally  taking
            Trump    marked    Pence's  Asked  about  the  cost,  real  challenges  that  we  delivered  to  Congress  on  these  steps  in  enhancing
            announcement      with   a  Deputy  Defense  Secretary  have  on  our  plate?"  she  Thursday  lays  out  plans  to  our  space  strength,"  Reps.
            tweet: "Space Force all the  Patrick   Shanahan     told  said at Brookings Institution  consolidate U.S. warfighting  Mike Rogers, R-Ala., and Jim
            way!"                        reporters  the  Pentagon  last week. "I don't think so.  space  forces  and  make  Cooper, D-Tenn., leaders of
            Pence     portrayed    the  doesn't have a number yet  I  don't.  I  wouldn't  vote  in  organizational   changes  the  House  Armed  Services
            change  as  a  response  to  but will when the legislative  favor of it."              to  boost  the  acquisition  Subcommittee on Strategic
            foes'  potential  aggression  proposal  is  finished  by  the  The  military's  role  in  space  and   development   of  Forces, said in a statement.
            rather  than  any  offensive  end of the year.            has  been  under  scrutiny  technologies.                 They  said  the  Pentagon
            U.S. military effort.        "I would assume it's billions,"  because  the  United  States  It  says  the  department  report  was  the  start  of  a
            Citing  Russia  and  China,  he  said.  Shanahan  said  is  increasingly  reliant  on  will  establish  a  Space  "multi-year process that we
            he  said  that  for  years  U.S.  Mattis'  opposition  to  a  orbiting  satellites  that  are  Command   to   develop  think  will  result  in  a  safer,
            adversaries  have  "pursued  separate  service  last  year  difficult to protect. Satellites  warfighting   operations,  stronger America."q
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