P. 12

                     Friday 10 august 2018

            Argentine Senate rejects legalizing elective abortion

            By LUIS ANDRES HENAO                                                                                                "to accept the children that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    God  gives  them."  Activists
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           estimate that 3,030 women
            (AP)  —  Argentina's  Senate                                                                                        in  Argentina  have  died  of
            on  Thursday  rejected  a                                                                                           illegal abortions since 1983.
            bill  to  legalize  elective                                                                                        "Let's  recognize  that  we're
            abortion,  a  defeat  for                                                                                           facing  a  public  health
            a  grassroots  movement                                                                                             tragedy,"  said  Magdalena
            that  came  closer  than                                                                                            Odarda,  a  senator  for  Rio
            ever  to  achieving  the                                                                                            Negro province.
            decriminalization  of  the                                                                                          "We're    not    deciding
            procedure in the homeland                                                                                           abortion  yes  or  no.  We're
            of Pope Francis.                                                                                                    deciding  abortion  in  a
            Lawmakers  debated  for                                                                                             hospital, or illegal abortion,
            more than 15 hours before                                                                                           with  a  clothes  hanger,  or
            voting  38-31  against  the                                                                                         anything  else  that  puts  a
            measure  that  would  have                                                                                          woman  in  a  humiliating,
            allowed abortion in the first                                                                                       degrading  situation  —  a
            14  weeks  of  pregnancy.                                                                                           real torture," she said.
            The  decision  could  echo                                                                                          Many women in Argentina
            across    Latin   America,                                                                                          use  misoprostol  to  end
            where  anti-abortion  forces                                                                                        first-trimester  pregnancies.
            remains  strong  even  if  the                                                                                      The drug is only sold under
            Roman  Catholic  Church      Demonstrators  against  decriminalizing  abortion  celebrate  outside  Congress  in  Buenos  Aires,   prescription,  but  for  the
            has  lost  influence  due    Argentina, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018.                                                     poorest women the cost of
            to  secularization  and  an                                                                        Associated Press  the drug is out of reach.
            avalanche  of  sex  abuse                                                                                           For  many  of  them,  the
            scandals.                    had said that he would sign  Backers  of  the  measure  into a global phenomenon.      methods  used  to  induce
            For  long  hours,  thousands  it,  even  though  he  is  anti-  said   legalizing   abortion  The issue pitted the Catholic  an  abortion  include  using
            of    supporters   wearing  abortion.                     would save the life of many  Church  against  feminist  an IV tube with a sharp wire
            green        handkerchiefs  After  the  decision,  Macri  women. The Health Ministry  groups,  physicians  against  clothes hanger or a knitting
            that  represent  the  effort  said that the debate would  estimated  in  2016  that  the  physicians.  While  abortion  needle  to  try  to  break  the
            to  legalize  abortion  and  continue.  The  government  country  sees  as  many  as  rights   activists   waited  amniotic  sac  inside  the
            opponents  wearing  light  is also expected to include a  half  a  million  clandestine  for  the  decision  under  womb.  Others  drink  herbs,
            blue braved the heavy rain  measure in the penal code  abortions  each  year,  with  umbrellas,        opponents  insert dubious non-abortive
            and  cold  temperatures  that  would  decriminalize  dozens  of  women  dying  gathered Wednesday night  pills in the vagina, or pump
            in  Argentina's  winter  to  abortion, although it would  as  a  result.  The  Catholic  at  a  "Mass  for  Life"  at  the  toxic  mixtures,  which  can
            watch the debate on large  not legalize the practice.     Church  and  other  groups  Metropolitan     Cathedral,  cause  ulcers,  hemorrhage
            screens  set  up  outside  "We've  shown  that  we  opposed           it,   saying   it  the church of Pope Francis  and   ultimately   severe
            Congress.                    have    matured     as   a  violated    Argentine   law  during  his  tenure  as  the  infections, and death.
            The  demonstrations  were  society,  and  that  we  can  guaranteeing  life  from  the  archbishop of Buenos Aires.  For   months,   hundreds
            largely  peaceful,  but  after  debate  with  the  depth  moment of conception.        "It's  not  about  religious  of  doctors  in  Argentina
            the  vote,  small  groups  of  and  seriousness  that  all  In  recent  years,  Argentina  beliefs   but   about   a  had  staged  anti-abortion
            protesters   clashed   with  Argentines  expected  ...  has  been  at  the  forefront  humanitarian       reason,"  protests   while   feminists
            police,  throwing  firebombs  and   democracy     won,"  of     social   movements  Cardinal  Mario  Poli,  the  and other groups led even
            and  setting  up  flaming  Macri said after the vote.     in  the  region.  In  2010,  it  archbishop of Buenos Aires,  larger  demonstrations  in
            barricades.  Police  officers  In  Argentina,  abortion  is  became  the  first  country  told  churchgoers.  "Caring  support  of  the  measure,
            responded with tear gas.     only  allowed  in  cases  of  in Latin America to legalize  for life is the first human right  often  wearing  green  that
            Pushed  by  a  wave  of  rape and risks to a woman's  same-sex  marriage.  More  and the duty of the state."        symbolizes the pro-abortion
            demonstrations by women's  health.      Thousands     of  recently, the Ni Una Menos,  Pope  Francis  this  year  movement,  or  red  cloaks
            groups,  the  lower  house  women, most of them poor,  or Not One Less, movement  denounced abortion as the  and  white  bonnets  like
            had  already  passed  the  are hospitalized each year  that      was    created    in  "white  glove"  equivalent  the  characters  from  the
            measure and conservative  for  complications  linked  Argentina to fight violence  of  the  Nazi-era  eugenics  novel-turned-TV  series  "The
            President  Mauricio  Macri  due to unsafe abortions.      against women has grown  program and urged families  Handmaid's Tale."q
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