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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 13 March 2019

            Continued from Front
            "The most profound restric-
            tion  is  people  are  not  be-
            ing  taken  for  immigration
            court.  They  aren't  able  to
            move  forward  with  their
            cases  and  it's  prolonging
            their detention," Lunn said.
            Immigrant advocates have
            long  said  that  medical
            care at immigration deten-
            tion facilities is subpar, and
            they've  filed  several  law-
            suits after deaths or injuries
            in detention.
            Elizabeth  Jordan  of  the
            Civil  Rights  Education  and
            Enforcement  Center  said
            screenings  at  immigration
            detention  centers  are  in-
            adequate.  She  said  she
            doesn't  have  any  current
            clients  who  are  quaran-
            tined  in  Aurora,  but  regu-
            larly  interviews  detainees
            there  and  has  had  clients
            there in the past.
            "Neglect, I think, is not really
            strong enough to describe
            what's happening in there,"
            Jordan  said.  For  example,
            there's  only  one  physician
            on staff, Jordan said.
            ICE spokeswoman Alethea
            Smock  said  there  are  271
            detainees  quarantined  in
            four pods in the Aurora fa-   This April 15, 2017, file photo, shows the entrance to the GEO Group's immigrant detention facility in Aurora, Colo.
            cility. Over 1,200 detainees                                                                                                    Associated Press
            are currently housed there.
            ICE  officials  said  its  quick  Jordan  said  it's  difficult  for  west  of  Lafayette,  about  recreation  and  dining,  it's  Cox  said  18  people  have
            reaction  has  led  to  a  very  immigrants  who  are  quar-  300 detainees are quaran-  just that they have to stick  had  mumps  at  the  Pine
            low  transmission  rate  and  antined to access their at-  tined, spokesman Bryan D.  with  the  people  they're  Prairie  facility.  They  come
            that  it's  monitoring  detain-  torneys.  She  had  clients  Cox  said.  Cox  said  those  quarantined  with.  Detain-  from  eight  different  coun-
            ees  and  employees  for  who  were  quarantined  at  who are in what the agen-        ees also have access to at-  tries  and  were  arrested
            signs  of  illness  at  the  facil-  a  facility  in  California  last  cy  calls  a  medical  cohort  torneys  and  are  offered  a  between  June  of  last  year
            ity, which has seen a spike  year  after  a  chicken  pox  still have access to outdoor  mask.                      and January 2019.q
            in the number of detainees  outbreak that she couldn't
            who  came  through  the  reach  to  relay  important
            southern  border.  They  say  information   about   their
            they have taken a number  cases.
            of measures to prevent the  Jordan  said  the  Aurora  lo-
            spread  of  communicable  cation has a phone system
            diseases,  such  as  initial  attorneys can use to reach
            medical  screening  and  a  detainees.
            full medical check-up with-  In  Pine  Prairie,  about  65
            in 14 days.                  miles (104 kilometers) north-
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