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                 Wednesday 13 March 2019
             May Day: UK Parliament rejects prime minister's Brexit deal

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     day designed to overcome
            RAF CASERT                                                                                                          lawmakers' concerns about
            LONDON  (AP)  —  With  just                                                                                         provisions  designed  to  en-
            17 days to go, Britain's de-                                                                                        sure  the  border  between
            parture  from  the  Europe-                                                                                         EU  member  Ireland  and
            an  Union  was  thrown  into                                                                                        Britain's Northern Ireland re-
            chaos  and  doubt  Tuesday                                                                                          mains open after Brexit.
            as  Parliament  delivered                                                                                           The  mechanism,  known
            a  crushing  double  blow                                                                                           as the backstop, is a safe-
            to  Prime  Minister  Theresa                                                                                        guard that would keep the
            May's  Brexit  divorce  deal                                                                                        U.K. in a customs union with
            and  to  her  authority  as                                                                                         the  EU  until  a  permanent
            leader.                                                                                                             new  trading  relationship  is
            Lawmakers  rejected  the                                                                                            in  place.  Brexit  supporters
            deal    391-242,   ignoring                                                                                         in Britain fear the backstop
            May's  entreaties  to  back                                                                                         could be used to bind the
            the  agreement  and  end                                                                                            country  to  EU  regulations
            the  political  chaos  and                                                                                          indefinitely.
            economic uncertainty that                                                                                           May said documents to be
            Brexit  has  unleashed.  It                                                                                         added to the deal provid-
            was  a  narrower  outcome                                                                                           ed  "legally  binding"  assur-
            than  the  historic  230-vote                                                                                       ances  that  the  backstop
            margin  of  defeat  for  the                                                                                        would  be  temporary  and
            agreement in January, be-                                                                                           that  Britain  would  have  a
            fore May secured changes     Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves from Downing Street in London, Tuesday, March 12,   way to get out of it if the EU
            from the bloc — but not by   2019.                                                                                  failed to negotiate in good
            much.                                                                                              Associated Press  faith.  However,  the  text  of
            Top EU officials warned that                                                                                        the  585-page  withdrawal
            the  defeat  had  increased  control  over  the  course  of  out  an  agreement.  If  that  an extension does not solve  agreement  remained  un-
            the  chances  of  a  chaotic  Brexit and handed it to Par-  is  defeated  —  the  likely  the problems we face."    changed.
            "no-deal"  British  exit,  which  liament,  which  is  divided  outcome — lawmakers will  "The  EU  will  want  to  know  May's  hopes  the  conces-
            could  mean  major  disrup-  about what to do next.       vote  Thursday  on  whether  what  use  we  mean  to  sions  would  be  decisive
            tion for businesses and peo-  A  drawn  and  hoarse  May  to  delay  Brexit,  something  make of such an extension.  were  dashed  when  Attor-
            ple in the U.K. and many of  admitted  defeat  —  again  that needs to be approved  This House will have to an-     ney General Geoffrey Cox
            the 27 remaining EU coun-    — and confirmed that Par-    by the EU nations too.       swer that question.  Does it  said  the  changes  "reduce
            tries.                       liament  will  vote  Wednes-  May  warned  lawmakers  wish  to  revoke  (Brexit-trig-  the  risk"  Britain  could  be
            The  stinging  149-vote  de-  day  on  whether  to  leave  that  "voting  against  leav-  gering) Article 50?  Does it  trapped  inside  EU  regula-
            feat  stripped  away  May's  the  EU  on  March  29  with-  ing without a deal and for  want to hold a second ref-  tions  —  but  do  not  elimi-
                                                                                                   erendum?  Or does it want  nate it.
                                                                                                   to leave with a deal but not  In a written legal opinion ,
                                                                                                   this deal?                   Cox said the U.K. could still
                                                                                                   "These   are   unenviable  not  extract  itself  from  the
                                                                                                   choices," she said.          terms  of  the  divorce  deal
                                                                                                   The EU, which had warned  unilaterally, a key demand
                                                                                                   there  would  be  no  more  of  pro-Brexit  British  politi-
                                                                                                   changes  or  negotiations  if  cians.    Afterward,  hard-
                                                                                                   Parliament  threw  out  the  core  Brexit  supporters  in
                                                                                                   deal,  expressed  exaspera-  May's  Conservative  Party
                                                                                                   tion  at  yet  another  Brexit  and  the  prime  minister's
                                                                                                   crisis.                      allies  in  Northern  Ireland's
                                                                                                   In  a  statement,  the  Euro-  Democratic  Unionist  Party
                                                                                                   pean Commission said the  both  said  they  could  not
                                                                                                   member states "have done  support the deal.
                                                                                                   all that is possible to reach  The  DUP,  which  props  up
                                                                                                   an agreement."               May's minority government,
                                                                                                   "If there is a solution to the  said "sufficient progress has
                                                                                                   current impasse, it can only  not been achieved" on the
                                                                                                   be found in London," it said,  key issue of the Irish border.
                                                                                                   adding  that  "today's  vote  The  European  Research
                                                                                                   has  significantly  increased  Group of pro-Brexit Conser-
                                                                                                   the likelihood of a 'no-deal'  vatives,  which  has  dozens
                                                                                                   Brexit."                     of lawmakers as members,
                                                                                                   European Parliament Brexit  said  the  amendments  "do
                                                                                                   coordinator  Guy  Verhof-    not  deliver  'legally  binding
                                                                                                   stadt  tweeted:  "Brexit  was  changes'" to the withdraw-
                                                                                                   about taking back control.  al agreement, as the gov-
                                                                                                   Instead  the  UK  spiralled  ernment promised.
                                                                                                   out of control." The defeat  Other EU nations had urged
                                                                                                   came  after  May  and  Eu-   British  politicians  to  seize
                                                                                                   ropean  Commission  Presi-   the  chance  to  back  the
                                                                                                   dent Jean-Claude Juncker  deal and ensure an orderly
                                                                                                   announced changes Mon-       departure.q
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