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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 13 March 2019

            Aid groups appeal for Syria funds as donors head to Brussels

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       Beyond  providing  aid,  the
            BRUSSELS (AP) — Aid orga-                                                                                           European  Union  —  the
            nizations  appealed  Tues-                                                                                          world's  biggest  donor  and
            day for funds to help Syria                                                                                         host  of  Thursday's  confer-
            recover from an eight-year                                                                                          ence — refuses to help re-
            war that has driven almost                                                                                          build the country until a po-
            6 million people out of the                                                                                         litical  settlement  has  been
            country,  as  donors  from                                                                                          reached.
            nearly 85 countries readied                                                                                         "It's a message of 'you broke
            for a pledging conference                                                                                           it,  you  own  it,'"  said  Jean-
            in Brussels.                                                                                                        Christophe Belliard, deputy
            Agencies,      non-govern-                                                                                          secretary  general  of  the
            mental  organizations,  and                                                                                         EU's External Action Service
            think  tanks  say  the  con-                                                                                        — essentially the bloc's for-
            flict, which has killed more                                                                                        eign  office  —  in  reference
            than  400,000  people  and                                                                                          to  Syrian  President  Bashar
            sparked  a  refugee  exodus                                                                                         Assad and his backers.
            that   destabilized   Syria's                                                                                       The  EU  is  hoping  that  the
            neighbors  and  hit  Europe,                                                                                        meeting  can  give  impetus
            is far from over. Around 80                                                                                         to stalled peace moves un-
            percent  of  people  inside                                                                                         der U.N. auspices, on top of
            the country live in extreme                                                                                         gathering humanitarian aid
            poverty  and  refugees  are                                                                                         for  Syria  and  for  neighbors
            reluctant  to  return,  fearing                                                                                     hosting  refugees  like  Tur-
            violence,  conscription  or   People take photographs of an installation featuring a drawing by a Syrian girl placed by "Save   key, Lebanon and Jordan.
            prison.                      the Children" NGO outside the European Commission and Council headquarters ahead of the   But  some  NGOs  believe
            "Syrian  refugees  need  trust   Syria donors conference in Brussels, Tuesday, March 12, 2019.                      that its stance over rebuild-
            that their return will be safe,                                                                    Associated Press  ing can be a serious obsta-
            secure  and  dignified,"  UN                                                                                        cle to genuine aid efforts.
            High Commissioner for Ref-   100,000 people have been  air  and  ground  in  recent  lion  have  been  displaced  "All  too  often  that  recon-
            ugees  Filippo  Grandi  said  displaced  since  the  last  weeks.  It  estimated  that  inside  Syria  and  some  2  struction line is limiting what
            during  a  weekend  visit  to  wave  of  violence  began  some 140 people, including  million  children  are  out  of  in every other aid context in
            Lebanon,  which  is  strug-  in  mid-February,  includ-   69 civilians, were killed over  school.                   the world is considered best
            gling  to  cope  with  arrivals  ing tens of thousands from  three weeks.              But  donor  fatigue  is  grow-  practice in terms of how to
            from over the border.        Khan  Sheikhoun  in  north-  As  the  conflict  enters  its  ing:  Of  around  3.5  billion  provide  humanitarian  aid,"
            According  to  the  Britain-  west Syria, which has been  ninth  year,  about  11.7  mil-  euros ($3.9 billion) pledged  said Matthew Hemsley, Ox-
            based  Syrian  Observatory  repeatedly  hit  by  gov-     lion  Syrians  still  depend  last  year,  only  around  two  fam's Syria policy and com-
            for  Human  Rights,  some  ernment  forces  from  the  on  aid,  more  than  6  mil-   thirds were funded.          munications adviser.q

            Iraqi on trial in Germany over murder,

            rape of 14-year-old

            Associated Press             cants in Germany after the  months     previously,   that
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  A  rejected  killing, and he was later ex-  they  had  often  spent  time
            Iraqi  asylum-seeker  admit-  tradited from Iraq.         together  and  he  hadn't
            ted killing a 14-year-old lo-  The defendant admitted to  known how old she was.
            cal girl as he went on trial  the Wiesbaden state court  There are no formal pleas in
            in  Germany  Tuesday  in  a  as his trial opened that he  the  German  legal  system.
            case  that  fueled  tensions  killed the girl, news agency  The trial is scheduled to last
            over  migration.  He  denied  dpa reported.               at least until early May.
            raping her.                  "I don't know how this could  Bashar is believed to have
            The 22-year-old Ali Bashar is  happen,"  he  said  through  arrived  in  Germany  in  Oc-
            accused of assaulting and  an interpreter. He said that  tober  2015,  at  the  height
            murdering  Susanna  Feld-    they  had  had  consensual  of the migrant influx to the
            man in the western city of  sex before the killing.       country,  and  was  appeal-
            Wiesbaden in May. Bashar  Bashar  said  he  had  met  ing the rejection of his asy-
            and his family abruptly left  the  girl  through  a  mutual  lum application at the time
            a  home  for  asylum  appli-  acquaintance about three  of the killing.q
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