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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 13 March 2019
            New York, feds join to get 100K rape kits tested around US

            By JENNIFER PELTZ            Vance, who took office af-
            Associated Press             ter  New  York  City  cleared
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Lan-     its  own  testing  backlog,
            guishing  evidence  in  over  and  the  Department  of
            100,000 sexual assault cas-  Justice's  Bureau  of  Justice
            es around the country has  Assistance have worked in
            been  sent  for  DNA  testing  tandem since 2015 to help
            with  money  from  a  New  other places tackle theirs.
            York prosecutor and feder-   The  two  agencies  have
            al authorities, spurring over  paid  to  send  years-old
            1,000 arrests and hundreds  kits  to  labs  from  dozens  of
            of  convictions  in  three  states  and  communities,
            years, officials say.        ranging  from  Flint,  Michi-
            It's  estimated  that  another  gan,  to  Mobile,  Alabama,
            155,000 or more sex assault  to Las Vegas.
            evidence kits still await test-  One of those kits sat untest-
            ing,  and  thousands  of  re-  ed for 15 years in Tracy Rios'
            sults have yet to be linked  case,  though  she'd  given
            to  suspects.  Many  who  police  the  name  of  the
            have been identified can't  then-friend  she  accused
            be prosecuted because of  of luring her into a vacant
            legal  time  limits  and  other  apartment  and  sexually
            factors.                     assaulting  her  in  2002  in
            Still,  the  effort  is  a  start  at  Tempe, Arizona. Police said    In this Sept. 12, 2018 file photo, Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, Jr., speaks to reporters
            correcting  "an  absolute  they  couldn't  charge  him    after a hearing in Manhattan criminal court in New York.
            travesty of justice," Manhat-  based  on  her  word,  and                                                                       Associated Press
            tan  District  Attorney  Cyrus  then she underwent a rape
            R.  Vance  Jr.  said  Tuesday  kit exam, but the investiga-  Some cities have mobilized  backlog  between  2000  from  the  start  —  he  was
            while  releasing  results  of  tion soon stalled, she said.  on  their  own  to  test  years-  and  2003.  Vance,  a  Dem-  a  family  friend  —  but  her
            his $38 million investment in  "I  lost  faith  in  the  system.  I  old rape kits.    ocrat  elected  in  2009,  of-  rape  kit  wasn't  tested  un-
            testing — all outside his own  thought  they  didn't  care,"  But  the  big  grants  from  fered  other  places  money  til  Vance's  grant  program
            turf.                        she  said  Tuesday.  A  mes-  Manhattan  and  Washing-    to  attack  their  own  back-  helped Michigan wipe out
            "That backlog not only un-   sage  was  left  for  Tempe  ton "infused this movement  logs  and  negotiated  dis-   a 3,400-kit backlog.
            dermined  justice  and  the  police about the case.       with  resources,"  says  Ilse  count rates with labs.     The  woman,  now  19,  says
            perception,  and  reality,  Two  years  ago,  she  was  Knecht  of  the  Joyful  Heart  His  program  —  financed  she was initially angry when
            of equality — it also made  told her rape kit had finally  Foundation,  a  sexual  as-  with $38 million from settle-  authorities  told  her  they
            every  woman  and  every  been  tested,  with  money  sault  victims'  advocacy  ments  in  banking-related  were  ready  to  prosecute
            American  less  safe,"  he  from  the  Manhattan  DA's  group.                         cases  —  dispatched  more  three  years  after  the  as-
            said.                        office,  and  police  were  The  backlog  built  up  over  than 55,000 rape kits to test-  sault. She'd gotten on with
            Law enforcement and law-     pursuing her case anew.      decades, partly due to the  ing  labs.  The  results  have  her  life,  helped  by  coun-
            makers  have  faced  grow-   "It  was  amazing  to  know  I  cost  of  tests  that  can  run  yielded  186  arrests  and  64  seling.  But  she  ultimately
            ing calls in recent years to  was  going  to  get  justice,"  $1,000 or more.          convictions  to  date,  with  agreed  to  testify,  and  her
            eliminate  what's  known  said Rios, whose attacker is  But victims' advocates also  more  investigations  and  attacker  pleaded  guilty
            as  the  rape  kit  backlog  —  now  serving  a  seven-year  say many sex assault cases  prosecutions still underway,  and  was  sentenced  to  up
            swabs  and  samples  col-    sentence for sexual assault.  simply  got  sidelined  over  according  to  Vance's  re-  to 30 years in prison.
            lected in sex assault cases  The  Associated  Press  gen-  the  years  by  police  and  port.                       "I  feel  proud  of  myself"  for
            but  never  tested  for  DNA.  erally  does  not  identify  prosecutors  who  unduly  In  Battle  Creek,  Michigan,  going  forward  with  the
            Victims' advocates see the  people who say they have  disbelieved or downplayed  arrests  included  a  suspect  case,  the  woman  said
            untested  kits  as  signs  that  been sexually assaulted un-  victims' allegations.    in the 2013 sexual assault of  Tuesday.  And  she  doesn't
            sexual assaults weren't tak-  less they agree to be identi-  New  York  City  worked  a 14-year-old girl.           feel scared to walk around
            en seriously enough.         fied, as Rios did.           through    a   17,000-case  Authorities  had  his  name  town anymore.q

            Feds charge Georgia woman

            with supporting cyber caliphate

            NEW YORK (AP) — Federal  She  agreed  to  be  trans-      Prosecutors said Vo recruit-
            prosecutors in New York an-  ferred to Manhattan for fur-  ed members to the group,
            nounced charges Tuesday  ther proceedings.                including a minor from Nor-
            against a woman accused  Her  defense  attorney,  Ken  way,  to  assist  in  hacking
            of recruiting cyber support-  Crowder, declined to com-   efforts,  and  also  did  edit-
            ers to an online group that  ment on the charges.         ing  and  translating  for  the
            published  "kill  lists"  on  be-  The  FBI  said  in  court  filings  group.
            half of the Islamic State.   that  Vo  joined  an  online  She  contacted  the  FBI  on
            Kim  Anh  Vo,  20,  was  ar-  group called the United Cy-  at  least  three  occasions
            rested in Georgia and ap-    ber  Caliphate  that  spread  beginning in July 2017 say-
            peared  in  federal  court  propaganda  on  behalf  of  ing she wished to speak to
            in  Augusta  on  charges  of  the Islamic State group and  law  enforcement,  accord-
            conspiring  to  provide  ma-  called  on  supporters  to  kill  ing  to  federal  court  filings.
            terial  support  to  a  terrorist  thousands  of  Americans  in  She  was  then  interviewed
            organization.                so-called lone wolf attacks.  by FBI agents.q
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