Page 4 - WEB
P. 4

                Wednesday 29 august 2018

            Benefits of drinking water on a daily basis

                                                                      ARUBA  ―  Aruba  has  one  ing out, most of this perspi-
                                                                      of  the  cleanest  water  in  ration goes unnoticed.      What  are  the  benefits  of
                                                                      the  world,  whether  you’re                              drinking water?
                                                                      here  on  vacation  or  living  But  our  body  is  constantly  You’ll  be  happy  to  know
                                                                      on the island you can eas-   regulating  its  temperature  that  water  provides  plenty
                                                                      ily fill your cup up from the  through sweat. Even when  of  benefits.  And  we  want
                                                                      faucet  without  any  prob-  you're sitting in a chair, typ-  to  give  you  the  most  of-
                                                                      lem. It’s no secret that up to  ing on your computer, your  ten  overlooked  benefits  of
                                                                      60%  of  the  human  body  is  body  is  still  maintaining  a  drinking water.
                                                                      comprised of water. But did  healthy  core  temperature.
                                                                      you know that on any given  We  both  know  that  water  - Increases Brain Power and
                                                                      day you lose 64 ounces of  consumption  is  imperative  Provides Energy
                                                                      water  through  perspiration  for  maintaining  hydration.  - Promotes Healthy Weight
                                                                      16  ounces  from  your  feet  But  keeping  up  with  that  Management  and  Weight
                                                                      alone? Unless you're work-   kind  of  diminishing  supply  Loss
                                                                                                   can seem difficult.          - Flush Out Toxins
                                                                                                                                - Boosts Immune System
                                                                                                   In the battle to stay hydrat-  -  Prevents  Cramps  and
                                                                                                   ed,  it  sometimes  feels  like  Sprains
                                                                                                   the only option is countless  - Prevents Bad Breath
                                                                                                   trips  to  the  bathroom.  But
                                                                                                   before  you  move  your  of-  Want  to  enjoy  more  ben-
                                                                                                   fice  into  the  second  stall,  efits of drinking water?
                                                                                                   let’s  figure  out  just  how  Start  your  day  off  right  by
                                                                                                   much water you should be  drinking  a  glass  of  wa-
                                                                                                   consuming each day.          ter  each  morning  before
                                                                                                                                breakfast.  This  will  jump-
                                                                                                   How much water should we  start  your  mind  and  body.
                                                                                                   drink each day?              And carry a reusable water
                                                                                                   The  recommended  wa-        bottle with you throughout
                                                                                                   ter  consumption  can  vary  the  day  to  ensure  you  re-
                                                                                                   based on age, weight, sex,  main  hydrated.  So  maybe
                                                                                                   activity  level,  and  the  cli-  your new drinking habits will
                                                                                                   mate  you  live  in.  But  gen-  lead to a couple more trips
                                                                                                   erally  speaking,  women  to the bathroom. But you'll
                                                                                                   should drink 90 ounces (11  be  happier,  healthier,  and
                                                                                                   cups) of fluids per day and  more efficient with a prop-
                                                                                                   men should drink 125 ounc-   erly hydrated brain. q
                                                                                                   es (16 cups) per day.
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