Page 4 - Listing Presentation_Holland
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                                             REAL T OR® A S SOCIA TE

                                                A native of Southern California, David has been enjoying

                                                the desert lifestyle from an early age.   His fondest
                                                childhood memories were created right here in Palm

                                                Desert, during his many trips to visit his grandparents. In
                                                2003 David left the corporate world behind and made the

                                                Desert his permanent residence, later starting a rewarding
                                                career in real estate.

                                                David attributes his ongoing success to 2 things –

                                                his ability to listen to what people are looking for and
                                                his commitment to ‘due diligence’ in carrying out his

               responsibilities. His familiarity with the Desert’s many diverse and unique communities
               gives David the knowledge and experience to help you find the right neighborhood that

               matches the lifestyle you desire. Let David apply the same ‘due diligence’ that made him
               successful in the corporate world to help you find the perfect place to call home.

               David and his partner, Dean, live in Palm Desert with their 2 boys – a Lab named Truman
               and a Golden named Harley.

               David was a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs of the Dessert and Truman was his first puppy,

               who has since retired and is now an Ambassador for the program.

     HOLLANDGROUPPROPER TIES.C OM | BENNION DEVILLE HOMES | DRE# 0 17 3 5 2 40 | 0 1325548                  D.GOLDBERG.20.07
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