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                                             REAL T OR® A S SOCIA TE

                                                Sean Durant’s connection to the Coachella Valley started

                                                generations ago when his grandparents frequently
                                                visited from Hollywood. Sean’s grandparents were Molly

                                                O’Day, an American film actress, and Jack Durant, an
                                                actor  and  comedian.  They  both  spent  time here with

                                                some of the Hollywood elite of that time, including Bob
                                                Hope, Frank Sinatra, Steve McQueen, and John Wayne,

                                                just to name a few.

                                                Sean’s family, Don and Isabel Cameron, were pioneers in
                                                the desert real estate industry and sold property to some

               very notable valley visitors, including the Annenbergs. They were also original founders
               of the Palm Springs Association of REALTORS®. You could say that Sean was born to love

               the Coachella Valley and all it offers in real estate.

               After graduating from UC San Diego in 1989 with a major in marketing, Sean spent his
               time in the Coachella Valley working with several businesses while being very active in

               the tennis circles. Once Sean’s son entered high school, Sean’s favorite pastime became
               watching his son play high school basketball.

               Sean obtained his real estate license in 2018 so that he could share his knowledge and

               love of the Coachella Valley with buyers and sellers looking to make their legacy here. Let
               Sean help you with your real estate needs so you may make your own lasting impression

               on the valley, too.

     HOLLANDGROUPPROPER TIES.C OM | BENNION DEVILLE HOMES | DRE# 0 17 3 5 2 40 | 0 1325548                    S.DURANT.2005
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