Page 14 - Social Security - Day 1 - To Today
P. 14
Between the American people and their government. The people have lived up to their end of the bargain, unfortunately
the people’s partner resorted to reneging. Not an easy pill for the American people to swallow, and learning the full details
is an even harder pill to swallow.
Their reform recipe called for turning every excess retirement dollar contribution into a new dollar of debt; now $2.85
trillion dollars. Look if you deposited $100 in a savings account in your local bank, and on the day of withdrawal you found
that your $100 savings deposit was now a $100 debt that you owed, you would someone to be held accountable. - RIGHT?
Our excess retirement dollar contributions that were to be saved for the now retiring baby boomers are now $2.85 trillion
dollar Special Obligation Bond or SOB debt we now owe of $2.85 trillion dollars. A $5.7 trillion dollar net loss, and NO
ONE, I mean NO ONE has been held accountable.
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