Page 130 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 130

            Unit: Civil Rights

            Week 1

 Session 1:   Session 2:   Session 3:                                          Session 4:

 Getting knowledge ready and Pre-Test   The role of The United Nations   The Universal Declaration of Human   The Fight for Civil Rights beyond

                          Rights                                        Australia’s borders

 Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:
 To gain an understanding about Civil Rights   To examine the role of The United Nations with Human Rights.     To examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   To analyse the civil rights movements that made head-
                                                           lines around the world.

 Starter:  Starter:  Starter:                              Starter:
 Explain to the students that we are studying Civil Rights   Prior Knowledge activity, write down on the board what the stu-  Brief overview of the role of the United Nations by the   Prior Knowledge activity, write down on the board what
 because it is a part of curriculum and it has had a ma-  dents learnt from last lesson.  teacher.  the students learnt from last lesson.
 jor effect on people.   Warm-up activity:
 •  Word splash:  Warm-up activity:                        Warm up activity
 Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):   •  Resolution, authorise, Law, hate and discrimination.   •  Students are to brainstorm their knowledge on the   •  Students are reminded of the intentions of the Univer-
 •  Students are required   •  What is the role of the UN?  United Nations.   sal Declaration of Human Rights.
 •  Students are to brainstorm their knowledge on Civil   •  Class discussion    •  How and why was the United Nations created?  •  Teacher to mention about what was happening in
 Rights.  •  Where is the headquarters of the United Nations?   America in the 1950s and 1960s.
 •  Ask students to answer the question   Questions:
 •  “What do you want to learn about Civil Rights?”  •  What are the aims of the United Nations?  Main activity  Main activity
 •  Word splash (key Civil Rights terms)  •  When and why was it formed?  Watch “Story of Human Rights” and answer the following   •  As a class, read through p.124-127 and discuss key
 •  Freedom, Rights, Equality, Demonstrate, Inspira-  •  What is your view of the United Nations?  questions  terms and issues.
 tional   •  Class discussion.  1. What are human rights?  •  Discuss following topics
 •  Documentary:  2. Why are they universal?               •  International Agreements
 •  Show students a quick overview documentary   Main activity  3. How many human rights are listed in the Universal   •  The Montgomery bus boycott.
 about Civil Rights.   •  As a class read through the information on the United Na-  Declaration?  •  Dr Martin Luther King
 tions. Discuss key issues and terms. (Worksheet provided in   4. Has the Universal Declaration stopped all human rights   •  The Black Power movement
 shared drive).  violations? (If not give examples)        •  Students are to answer questions from the text book
 Main activity  •  Students are required to complete questions 1-6 from the   5. Name two historical fgures that have made human   History Alive 10. Questions 1-8
 •  On the share drive, there is a fipchart about the   worksheet. Their answers must be in full sentences and in   rights more “than just words on paper”.  •  Conclude the lesson with the documentary of the
 overview on Civil Rights. As a class read through   their workbooks.   Black Power movement and demonstrations.
 and discuss key issues and events.  In pairs, research the following questions
 •  Explain to the students about how important the   Extension activity:  •  Why did the UN create the Universal Declaration of
 Declaration of Human Rights is.   On page 84-85 Humanities History Alive 10 textbook. Read and   Human Rights? (What are their aims?)
 •  Discuss key issues and ideas.    complete questions on the “Bodies of the UN”.   •  When and where was it created?
 •  Show students a documentary about Civil Rights   •  Go on the UN website and locate the full version
 movements.   of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
        choose three articles and put them in your own

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