Page 132 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 132

            Unit: Civil Rights

            Week 2

 Session 5:  Session 6:    Session 7:                                          Session 8:

  The Freedom Ride in Australia    Being counted-Indigenous Australians  Civil Rights in Sport  Civil Rights in Sport

 Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:
 To examine the Indigenous Australians fght for civil   To examine the role of The United Nations with Human Rights.     To examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   To analyse the civil rights movements that made head-
 rights in Australia.                                      lines around the world.

 Starter:  Starter:  Starter:                              Starter:
 Review on what the students have learnt so far about   Prior Knowledge activity, write down on the board what the stu-  How and why could sport help improve Civil Rights?  Review on what the students have learnt from last lesson.
 Civil Rights.  dents learnt from last lesson.
     Warm-up activity:                                     Warm up activity
 Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):   Warm-up activity:  •  Why weren’t black people allowed to play sport?   •  Students are reminded of the intentions of the Univer-
 Questions:  1.  What is Democracy?  •  What was the reaction of white people when African   sal Declaration of Human Rights.
 •  So what have we learnt so far about The Declara-  2.  Why is it important to have the right to vote?  American’s created their own baseball league?  •  Teacher to mention about what was happening in
 tion of Human Rights?  3.  Why weren’t Indigenous Australians allowed to vote?  America in the 1950s and 1960s.
 •  What was happening in America and the civil rights   Main activity
 movements?  Main activity  •  Discuss with the class about Civil Rights in Baseball  Main activity
 •  Who was Dr Martin Luther King?  •  Discuss with the students why Democracy is so important   •  Case Study: African American Baseball League.  •  Discuss with the class about Civil Rights in National
 •  What was the aim of the Black Power movement?  and why Indigenous Australians were not counted in the   •  Students are to research information about the   Hockey League and American College Basketball.
 Australian census in 1962.  movement by African Americans to play baseball and   •  Case Study: National Hockey League.
 Main activity  •  As a class, read through p.132-133 and discuss key issues   express their point of view.  •  Students are to research information about Willie
 •  Discuss with the students what was occurring in   and terms.  •  Watch a documentary on the Negro Leagues.  O’Ree and express their point of view.
 Australia that mirrored America.  •  Students are required to complete 1-5 p.133 and questions   •  Case Study: Jackie Robinson  •  Would he have been able to play if his secret about
 •  Why weren’t Indigenous Australians allowed to   7-9 p.133.  •  Robinson was the frst African American player in   his eye was exposed?
 vote?  •  Show students documentary on the Stolen Generation.   Major League Baseball.  •  Students are to research about American College
 •  As a class, read through p.130-131 of the Human-  •  Documentary on Jackie Robinson.  Basketball and the struggle faced by African Ameri-
 ities Alive 10.                                               can players.
 •  Discuss the key terms and issues.   Writing prompt:    •  Reading activity about Basketball Coach Don Haskins
 •  Students are required the complete questions 1-7   Students are required to write a 150-200 word response   and what he aimed to achieve.
 p.131.  to the following prompt: ‘The drafting of Jackie Robinson
 •  Class discussion “Do you think controversy and civil   into the Major League Baseball was a sign that Sport was   Documentary
 disturbance are good ways to attract media publici-  having a major infuence on Civil Rights and Equality”.    Students are to watch a documentary on Glory Road (bas-
 ty to a cause” Why or why not?   ketball) and express their point of view.

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