Page 165 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 165

            humanities Year 10

                            Session 5:                                              Session 6:                                                Session 7:                                             Session 8:

                 Disputes: tribunals & trials                               Injuries & compensation                                        Discrimination                                       Off Field Behaviour

          Learning intentions:                                Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                   Learning intentions:
          Understand the role of tribunals and trials in resolving   Compare the various forms of compensation available in sport-  Discuss the impact and result of discrimination in sport.  Discuss the effect that an athlete’s off-feld behaviour can
          disputes.                                           ing law cases.                                                                                                      have on the community.

          Starter:                                            Starter:                                                     Starter:                                               Starter:

          Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):                        Main activity                                                Main activity                                          Main activity
                                                              1.  Introduction                                             1.  Introduction                                       1.  Introduction
                                                              2.  Video: sporting injuries and compensation                2.  Videos: discrimination in sport                    2.  Discussion activity: show pictures of “shamed” sports
          Main activity                                       3.  Discussion                                               3.  Discussion                                            stars and see what the students know about them
          1.  Introduction                                    4.  Notes from board                                         4.  Notes from board                                      (Ben Cousins, Brendan Fevola, Suarez, Milne, Pistorius
          2.  Brainstorm: “sporting tribunal and courts”      5.  Question from fipchart (students to research answers)    5.  Case studies from sport & law chapter: “AFL action    etc)
          3.  Notes: students to copy down theory from board  6.  Case studies as a class: read and discuss                    on racial vilifcation” & “Aussie Rules is a girls’ game”   3.  Questions: how has their off-feld behaviour shaped
          4.  Overview of AFL tribunal process: diagram       7.  Summary                                                      Read as a class and discuss                           their career? What were the legal issues?
          5.  Case Studies: “the fall of a football star” and “wed-                                                        6.  Create a poster which could be used to combat dis-  4.  Notes: key theory
              gie defence fails” read and discuss as a class  Resources:                                                       crimination: students may choose for which sport and   5.  Research activity: choose a “disgraced” sports star
          6.  Individual work: “Annotated visual display”- sport-                                                              which focus                                           and complete a profle of them (questions on fip-
              ing tribunals (p424 of sport and law chapter)                                                                7.  Share posters (or complete for homework and share     chart)
              Students to make an A3 poster outlining how the                                                                  next lesson)                                       6.  Share with the class- discuss research
              tribunal works in their chosen sporting feld (each                                                                                                                  7.  Summary
              student must choose a different sport)                                                                       Resources:
          7.  Share posters (or complete for homework and                                                                                                                         Resources:
              share next lesson)



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