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A firm focused on the Success of its Representatives
Crown Capital Securities, L.P. is a full service broker dealer, licensed to conduct business in all 50 states, offering
some of the finest technology tools in the industry. We are seeking out ambitious brokers who want to provide a
more comprehensive service, with a focus on independent product selection and bottom-line service. The Crown
staff is devoted to helping our representatives grow their business and provide superior service to their clients.
Crown Capital Securities is recognized by brokers as an innovative company, which combines its management
strength, experience, reliability and efficiency into a firm focused on the success of our independent brokers.
When it’s all said and done, most firms offer similar products and services. At Crown Capital Securities we feel that
our success comes down to our people. We are privileged to have some of the best-trained people in the business.
Our staff members all share two distinct strengths: A strong work ethic and a common goal of superior customer
service with you the broker being our customer and our most valued asset.
Sell the Product you Choose
One of our fundamental principles at Crown Capital Securities is this: We will not direct our representatives on
product selection. We have no proprietary products, so there’s no incentive to promote special products. Freedom to
innovate, to pursue creative investment strategies is what makes successful brokers. At Crown Capital Securities
we encourage that kind of thinking.
Experience through market ups and downs
In the financial world experienced leadership is hard to find. Prosperous times tend to breed new companies and
new gurus with boundless enthusiasm but little experience. Crown Capital Securities is at the other end of the
spectrum. We are led by industry veterans with 100 years of market experience between them. This means we
don’t just prosper in the good times, but, more importantly, we excel at helping our representative weather the
down markets.
For More Information Go To:
Crown Capital Securities, L.P.
725 Town & Country Road, Suite 530, Orange, CA 92868
Tel: 714.547.9481 • 800.803.8886 • Fax: 714.547.9735