Page 16 - Bullion World Issue 9 January 2022
P. 16

Bullion World | Issue 09 | January 2022

          Gold Outlook for the

          year 2022

                                                                               nominal yields and the potential for
                                                                               rate hikes and stimulus unwinding
                                                                               across the globe, as inflation rises.
                                                                               On the downside, the ongoing risk
                                                                               of new waves of infection and virus
                                                                               variants, fears of stagflation and
                                                                               negative real rates have offered

                                                                               As we start the new year, many
                                                                               uncertainties remain. Waves of
                                                                               COVID-19 outbreaks, supply-
                                                                               chain challenges and geopolitical
                                                                               tensions make forecasting trends
                                                                               over the next 12 months a hard
                                                                               task. Crucially, rising inflation and
                                                                               the extent to which it is transitory
                                                                               will have a profound impact on
                                                                               monetary policy decisions and in
                                                                               turn asset prices. In the near future,
                                                                               this should be the main driver of
                                                                               precious metals investor activity,
                                                                               especially for gold. In the US, CPI
                                                                               inflation recently topped 6.8%, the
                                                                               highest since 1982. Prices have
                                                                               also been accelerating in other
                                                                               major economies. The mismatch
                                                                               of high demand, in the aftermath of
                                                                               unprecedented fiscal and monetary

           Mr Harshal Barot,
           Senior Consultant, Metals Focus

          Unlike the stellar gains seen during   break higher failed multiple times
          2020, gold experienced choppy      and the gold price eventually fell
          conditions and saw a subsequent    from over $1,900 in early June to
          correction in 2021. After a record   a low of $1,691 this August. Since
          high of $2,075 in August 2020, gold   then, the yellow metal initially
          fell to a low of $1,765 by November   recouped most of those losses but
          that year, before closing near     is now oscillating around $1,800,
          $1,900. In doing so, gold achieved   having lost about 3.6% intra-year
          a 25% intra-year gain in 2020, the   in 2021. On the upside, it has been
          best since 2011. The start of 2021   capped due to a combination of a
          saw further upside but attempts to   stronger economic recovery, rising

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