Page 20 - Bullion World Issue 9 January 2022
P. 20

Bullion World | Issue 09 | January 2022

           essential at this time. It was usually   an independent company -   returns can be expected in
           however Gold that is always front   Auctus Metals Portfolios. As a   precious metals. In fact the
           and centre in their mind, but other   partnership, we further developed   outlook over the next 2 to 3 years
           than that, no real research or    the systemization of my earlier   looks incredibly exciting from an
           market analysis was applied to this   mathematics and produced a series  investment perspective in this asset
           asset class.                      of extremely advanced algorithmic   class. Since 2000 (to the present
                                             models along with bespoke         day) Gold has outperformed the
           The bullion market as a whole,    software database systems and     S&P 500 and the Dow Jones stock
           generally did not offer any advice   front end platforms that allowed us   indices. Since 1970, Gold has
           on the considerations above, other   to manage our clients' physically   outperformed the Dow Jones index
           than to buy Gold and and to buy   held portfolios of metals on an   and slightly fallen behind the S&P
           Silver (often simple hard selling!)   active and ongoing basis.     500. If one takes into consideration
           and I realised that this presented a                                the fact that this includes the huge
           tremendous opportunity to change   We understand that when it       bear market corrections in Gold
           the status quo. Coming with 35    comes to portfolio diversification,  from 1980 to 2002 and 2011 to
           years of trading experience and   precious metals play a significant   2016, it's really quite remarkable
           a deep financial background from   role, but again, no great return   how well Gold has performed
           investment banking, I could clearly   is expected from it in the due   versus the financialised paper world
           identify a substantial gap in the   course of time. Specifically, Gold   of real productivity gains, debt
           market, since clients desperately   in the precious metals sector   expansion and leverage that has
           wanted unbiased research as well   works as insurance or stabilises   pushed stocks to today's levels.
           as active portfolio advice within the   the portfolio when the market
           precious metal space.             goes through fluctuation. So      From January 2013 to today,
                                             share some insights on how        stocks have outperformed Gold,
           At this juncture, IPM Group       to diversify precious metals      but I would suggest that the
           partnered with the Gold Bullion   holdings specifically, which gives   present climate is screaming for an
           Australia Group and together we   an investor maximum benefit?      enormous portfolio re-weighting
           pulled the portfolio methodology   I would disagree wholeheartedly   opportunity and we have already
           out of IPM Group and built        with the premise that no great    started to see many of the world's

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