Page 19 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
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Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021
APPMC Continues its Success
the country’s large and growing
Another event that demonstrated overwhelming support from 19 market – and called for further
the resiliency of the sector in sponsors, 27 speakers and 876 consultation with SBMA members.
Singapore was the successful delegates in its first virtual edition of
hosting of the 2021 Asia Pacific the conference. In addition, in our Keynote speakers World Gold
Precious Conference (APPMC), simultaneous broadcast to China, Council CEO David Tait and
held virtually in June. While SBMA we received an average viewership London Bullion Market Association
and other precious metals industry of 704 over the two-day event. CEO Ruth Crowell discussed
participants were looking forward mainstreaming the role and
to a return of a physical event, The quality and depth of the relevance of gold in the financial
following a break in 2020 due to curated content did not suffer market and initiatives related to
the Covid-19 pandemic, plans were either, with top names from across advancing global standards in
scuppered as the virus continued the industry participating in panels terms of responsible sourcing, bar
its grip on economies globally and that covered hot-button issues integrity and Basel III, respectively.
limited cross-border travel and like bitcoin and gold, industry Tait noted that gold would play
physical meetings. regulation, the latest technology an increasingly fundamental role
and products, as well as updates in portfolios as markets recover
The fact that APPMC was able to on domestic markets across the post Covid-19, and Crowell
adapt to a virtual conference, at region. During the conference, highlighted that responsible gold
short notice was another milestone, Dr Adi Budiarso from Indonesia’s mining can support and sustained
with an added bonus that we Ministry of Finance announced the socio-economic development and
could accommodate a higher country’s plans to open its bullion contribute towards the United
number of delegates compared to banking sector – a development I’m Nations’ Sustainable Development
a physical event. SBMA received eagerly looking forward to, given Goals.