Page 14 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 14
Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021
HUID transfer shall
operate like the RC
(registration certificate)
of a vehicle issued from
the Govt Parivahan
portal, where the identity
details of the vehicle
and its owner are
uploaded. Every time
the vehicle ownership
changes,the new owner
details are uploaded to
the portal, while the RC
number of the vehicle
continues to be the
same, till the lifespan of
the vehicle. Because of
hallmarked at the manufacturing the retail jewelller bears the brunt of this reregistration and updation of
new owner details in the Parivahan
location, and the retail jeweller do punishment for fake /malpractices.
not have any mechanism to verify Verification facility of HUID can portal during every transfer of
the bona fide of the HUID code. be made available for jewellers ownership, the RC number of
This has also resulted in rampant and consumers by downloading a vehicle always continue to be
unique. If at all duplicated, its
misuse of HUID code by way of BIS HUID app on the cellphone
duplication of same HUID code on or visiting BIS HUID portal or bona fides can always be cross
checked with Parivahan portal and
many similar articles, or even fake accessing HUID portal at E Seva
HUIDs. Since the selling jeweller’s Kendra etc malpractices be punished. In this
registration process at Parivahan
identity also is encrypted into the
HUID code, Customers do not have By verifying the HUID, the portal, the vehicle dealer do not
have any role or is rather bye
any mechanism to identify the seller consumer gets the reassurance
details in case of exchange or sale of genuine hallmarking and value passed
of old gold. To overcome these for money on their investments in
handicaps of the present HUID gold jewellery. While selling back Similarly the uniqueness of HUID
code can be assured and verified
hallmarking, the only solution is to as old gold, or while mortgaging it
arrange verification facility for the for a loan, the HUID marked articles only if HUID number is made
transferable from the hallmarking
jeweller and the consumer fetch better resale value, because
its bona fides can always be verified entity to the end consumer,
and then registered in the HUID
If and when an HUID hallmark is by anyone, giving reassurance of its
identified as fake by the BIS or the certified gold content and quality portal. The retail jeweller can be
bypassed in this HUID transfer,
consumer, the retailing jeweller is
liable for severe punishments and Self registration or transfer of provided the end consumer is
penalties including imprisonment, HUID code to the end consumers permitted to do self registration /
confiscation of goods and personal id and cellphone number activation of HUID in her name,
with an OTP, This will prevent
cancellation of shop registration is essential to check and control
and hence the absence of HUID duplication of same HUID code in HUID code being duplicated
on similar jewellery articles by
verification facility poses the similar jewellery articles, done either
biggest challenge for quality by the AHCs or the manufacturer. AHCs and thus HUID shall always
remain unique for a hallmarked
conscious jewelers. Unlike the Same HUID being duplicated on
4 logos of the old HM system, similar articles spoils the uniqueness article, similar to aadhar card for
individuals .
in HUID hallmarking, the logo of of every UID marked and this can be
the AHCs or the manufacturer is prevented only by registering each
absent, and these mal practicing HUID to the end consumer’s name,
agencies may not get detected and from the BIS portal