Page 9 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
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Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021
Till now IBJA’s Activities and Achievements includes following:-
1. Approval of IBJA Gold rate for Scheduled / 21. IBJA's Free India International Bullion
rural/urban bank against Jewellery loan by summit (IIBS).
RBI. 22. IBJA's Bullion & Jewellery awards.
2. Approval of IBJA Gold rate for NBFC 23. IBJA faishon Show.
against Jewellery loan by RBI. 24. IBJA's unique Buyer seller Meet.
3. Approval of IBJA Gold rate for Sovereign 25. IBJA's coffee table book.
Gold Bond by MOF / RBI. 26. IBJA appointed as Auditor of Refiners by
4. Free Membership. exchanges.
5. Free entry for all IBJA Seminar. 27. IBJA's CSR activities like Jewellers Fight
6. IBJA Times Magazine. Corona , Ambulance services and many
7. Approval of India Good delivery. more
8. Approval of International Bullion exchange. 28. IBJA's camera security system in Asia's
9. Approval of Domestic Bullion exchange. largest market Zaveri bazaar.
10. Approval of Launch of Option on Goods 29. Complete renovation of its Head office in to
thru exchange. corporate office.
11. Approval of Revamped Gold Monetization 30. IBJA common facility centre at lowest
Scheme. possible cost.
12. Approval of Revamped Gold Metal Loan 31. IBJA Recommended Retail price.
scheme. 32. IBJA's daily bullion Report .
13. Highest Number of Members in industry. 33. IBJA digital online platform with jewelxy.
14. Part of all Gold meeting and committee of 34. IBJA Skill development classes approved
Gold of Govt. by Govt with IIG.
15. IBJA Offices in 29 states. 35. RBI approval for Bank acceptance of India
16 . Approval of IBJA rates for all Govt agency Good delivery Gold.
like GST, Income tax , custom, DRI. 36. Approval of Silver ETF by SEBI.
17. IBJA Missed called Service for Retail rates. 37. IBJA Bulletin every 15 days for industry
18. IBJA's Maximum Presence on Media. updates.
19. IBJA's Unique Low cost Zaveri Bazaar 38. IBJa’s Digital Gold / Silver Platform.
festival. 39. IBJA’s Gold SIP Platform.
20. IBJA on all major social Media platform 40. IBJA Accredited insurance policy.
along with various website.
v i t i e s a
t i
c nd Achievements
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