Page 11 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 11

Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021
                                                                          Bullion W
                                                                                                    ember 2021
                                                                                   orld | Issue 07 | No

           it can become one of the greatest   discount for a prolonged period of   presence of these institutions,
           opportunities for India and the   time. Although it is less common   Indian market would always stay at
           region, if the architecture facilitates   in gold, it does happen frequently.   parity with international markets?
           active participation of resident   However, the phenomena of        The most important component of
           Indian in the new ecosystem.      discount is more pronounced in    success is facilitating free outward
                                             silver. During 2020, when pandemic  trade. At present, export of bullion
           Let’s digress a moment to review   destroyed demand for silver amidst   is permitted, but not feasible due
           India gold and silver bullion market   skyrocketing international prices,   to unreasonable value-addition
           in the last three to five years.   silver prices in India went into deep   norms. If accredited refiners be
           As dore imports started rising    discount (of even 4%) and stayed   permitted to export bullion bars
           in India, the imports of standard   there for almost 7 months from   made from recycled gold / silver
           gold declined. Currently, dore    August till Feb’21. There was hardly   at the prevailing market prices and
           imports account for 50 to 60% of   any imports of silver during that   be permitted to deliver these bars
           the total gold imports. This trend   time. In fact, some of the overseas   at IIBX vaults and climb export
           is likely to continue as long as the   suppliers took back 300 to 400 tons   benefits, then these institutions
           incentives continue. That would   of silver kept in bonded warehouse.   would have solved the demand-side
           mean, lesser physical gold flows   So, to summarise, demand         challenges.
           through IIBX (as it is expected that   seasonality for gold and silver in
           all standard gold imports would be   India is real and that puts enormous  In summary, a two-way trade in
           canalised through IIBX).  Secondly,   challenges to the existing player   bullion is a must to make IIBX and
           the difference in quantity of gold   as they have no other option but   its counter-part domestic spot gold
           demanded during the season        to scale down operations during   exchange(s) a resounding success.
           and the off-season has widened.   such periods. In other words, there   This would mean seamless
           That is, there is a short burst of   is no other market for refiner or   integration of these two markets.
           demand surge often followed by a   bullion dealer, when the demand in   That is, enabling companies in
           long spell of lull-ness. As a result,   domestic market dries up.   domestic tariff area access to metal
           the business of nominated banks,                                    at most competitive prices and
           bullion dealers and wholesalers   Let’s come back to our discussion   at the same time providing them
           has become seasonal with a lot    on IIBX. Let’s also add the       access to off-share market in the
           of unpredictability. The dwindling   mirror of IIBX- domestic spot   form of IIBX when demand dries in
           number of players in each of the   gold exchange(s). Would these    domestic market or when pricing is
           above-mentioned categories is a   institutions have made any        attractive in off-shore.
           proof of the same.  There are also   difference to the above situation?
           times when the domestic market    Or what policy tweaks are
           goes into discounts and stays in   necessary to ensure that in the

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