Page 12 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 12

Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021

                                                          Challenges and

                                                          prospects in

                                                          HUID hallmarking

                                                          of jewellery

                                                          hubs like Mumbai,    handicapped by the covid related
                                                          Kolkata, Chennai,    lockdown and travel restrictions
                                                          Coimbatore, Trichur   and hence the number of AHCs has
                                                          etc.  And these      not gone up even under mandatory
                                                          cities are covered   hallmarking. Moreover the BIS and
                                                          under mandatory      the Ministry has not relented to the
                         Mr. James Jose                  HM regime.  Hence     AHCs demand to increase the HM
              President, Hallmarking Federation of India
                                                         hallmarked jewellery   charge from  Rs.35 per piece to
                                                         gets circulated to all   Rs.75, to take care of the additional
          The hallmarking unique  id (HUID)   districts in the country irrespective   expense of HUID hallmarking. This
          launched in India from 1st July    of its status Vis a Vis mandatory   has made the hallmarking business
          2021 onwards is a milestone in gold   districts. However jewellers in these   unviable, leading to the slow growth
          and silver hallmarking, ensuring   non-mandatory districts need to   of hallmarking infrastructure or
          full traceability of each and every   take BIS reign if they have to sell   upgrading of existing facilities.
          article hallmarked.. This centralized   hallmarked jewellery.        The old non hallmarked stock
          software based scheme is basically                                   lying at the shops continue to be
          meant for process flow automation   HUID hallmarking is now widely   sold without HUID hallmarking
          at the assay and hallmarking       accepted by the trade and the     and hence AHCs have not seen
          centers (AHCs) and real time       delivery time for HUID hallmarking   a quantum jump in hallmarking
          tracking of hallmarking process,   has come down from the earlier    volumes, as expected at the roll out
          wherein a unique alpha numeric     72 hours to 48 hours and even     period of mandatory hallmarking
          code is generated from  BIS server,   24 hours. The initial delays were   regime
          after completing all the mandatory   mostly due to the hardware and
          procedures of quality control and   software issues of the HUID portal   The biggest challenge in HUID
          then laser marked on each article.  of BIS, which is now getting sorted   hallmarking is ensuring its
                                             out. Moreover the AHCs have       uniqueness i.e. Ensuring that the
          Presently mandatory hallmarking    recruited more manpower and       HUID code is original and not
          is introduced in the 256 districts   installed additional machineries to   duplicated, or that the process
          of the country, which are having   cater to the additional work load   flow of quality control at AHCs
          adequate hallmarking infrastructure.   of HUID, especially in the Diwali   is fully monitored on real time
          That leaves the remaining 486      festival period. BIS has provided   basis. Another challenge is for
          districts or 65% of the districts   extensive training to AHCs for   the jewellers to ensure that the
          in the country beyond the ambit    familiarization with the HUID data   jewellery they buy in hallmarked
          of mandatory hallmarking. In       uploading process                 condition from the distant
          India, 80% of the jewellery is                                       manufacturing locations carries
          manufactured and supplied from     The accreditation of new AHCs is a   genuine HUID mark and specified
          the major jewellery manufacturing   time consuming process, presently   gold content. Presently HUID is

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