Page 16 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 16
Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021
supply chains. For members have joined forces with RJC to
implementing KYC/AML, Due provide detailed recommendations
Diligence, Human Rights, Health through an OECD Due Diligence
and Safety, Labour rights, and aligned program, making it a
Security requirements creates compulsory action for Indian
a ripple effect in a member’s Gold Refiners to help companies
supply chain. Members, with their respect human rights and avoid
business partners, suppliers, contributing to conflict through their
contractors, and employees metal purchasing decisions and
embark on a journey of learning practices. Additionally, the MCX &
and continuous improvement. BSE of India has joined RJC as a
By increasing due diligence Supporter members encouraging
of its own operations, of its new members to take action. This
business partners both upstream partnership has resulted in 8 new
and downstream, a certified gold refiners joining RJC with 12
member contributes to increased more Gold Refiners anticipated to
transparency. In turn, increased join in the next year.
transparency along the value
chains contributes to greater What’s next? Achieving
traceability over time.
the 17 Sustainability Goals
are a shared responsibility
Iris Van der Veken, Executive
Director shares, “When we speak to act and leave no one
about sustainability, it is really behind.
important that any organization The 17 SDGs are the sustainability
Mr. Kinjal Shah has an integrated approach. agenda for the world agreed by
Regional Director Indian & And what does that mean? You 193 countries in 2015. It is about
Middle East, need to take into consideration People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace
Responsible Jewellery Council labour rights, human rights, and Partnerships. It is an excellent
product integrity and disclosure framework for any company to use
and the environment. And it to develop its sustainability strategy.
is important that you build a The RJC has also used this
culture of sustainability inside framework to develop a Roadmap
the organisation top down and for the Global Jewellery and Watch
bottom up and you further Industry (Roadmap 2030). We
extend that responsibility to your are focusing on SDG 5 Gender
broader supply chain. That is not Equality (2021 Gender Equality
an easy journey, it is hard work Report), SDG 8 Decent Labour,
and it is a process of continuous SDG 12 Responsible Production,
improvement. It is all about SDG 13 Climate Action and SDG
consumer confidence.“ 17 Partnerships for the Goals. RJC
has launched a partnership with
Expanding its remit in the United Nations Global Compact
India in NY focusing on education and
In line with RJC’s strategy training for smaller enterprises.
of building partnerships that They have also recently set up an
accelerate impact, a significant expert SDG Taskforce to develop
milestone was accomplished reporting metrics based on
during 2020-2021 with its international reporting standards to
recent partnership with the help companies report on progress.
Indian stock exchanges in India
Good Delivery List Programs,
where BSE, MCX and NSE,