Page 8 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 8

Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021

                                             IBJA Initiatives

                                             for Industry

                                                            Mr. Prithviraj Kothari, National President, IBJA

           IBJA’s Vision is to establish     We are establishing an export     and digital gold trading platform
           ethical business practices in     network for MSME for our sector.   and intend to add nearly twenty
           Gems and Jewellery Industry by    This network will help the small   more such product through this
           ensuring growth of gems and       jeweller to tap export market at a   trading platform.
           jewellery sector. IBJA’s mission   very low cost.
           is to protect, promote and                                          We are gearing up for the next
           develop the skills of gems and    Recently, we have granted         decade of gold industry, as govt.
           jewellery industry.               scholarship of Rupees Eleven      plans to transform entire gold
                                             Lakhs for Karigar, families of IBJA   market by making revolutionary
           With the launch of International   member for their skill upliftment.   changes in the industry.
           bullion exchange and setting      For this we have tied up with
           up of gold refinery at GIFT City,   International Institute of Gemology   IBJA is committed to transparency
           Gandhinagar, the gold trade       (IIG). We have also got approval for   of bullion and jewellery business for
           is all set to change and IBJA     NSDC certified courses.           this we intend to conduct various
           is in touch with government                                         symposium and seminar / webinar
           regulated agencies for            We are also working towards       across India.
           important regulatory changes of   complete digitalization of all the
           the Industry. The new refining,   gold related product through our
           vaulting, logistics will generate   website we
           huge employment in this sector.   have already launched gold SIP

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