Page 6 - In memory of Dad,
P. 6
Jerome also had a spontaneous zest for life; he
would pile his family into his station wagon
and hit the road. It forever lives on in our
hearts the trips we took as a family to places
like Ohio, Canada, Jekyll Island Ga. etc., but
our short trips from the Polo ground projects,
where we grew up to our Grandparents home
in Hollis, Queens were the most memorable.
After his parents passed he moved his family
to the family home. Known as Mr. Allamby in
Hollis, I can truly say, he knew how to light up
a block on the 4th of July. Dad spared no
expense for fireworks and back yard
What more can I share about our Dad, he was
one of the kindest men you could ever meet.
He believed in social justice, equality and was
ready, willing and able to fight adamantly
for or against a respective principal. His
passion for others really shined through his
giving, sharing, and making you feel his casa
is sue casa.