Page 121 - Exploration10LLR
P. 121
Email from Zourab, September 28, 2017
I would like to be remembered as the person who was the promotor of the lake. John Silva, who was Genine
Philips's father and foreman of the ranch, oversaw the construction and by putting in a spillway, had no
trouble in getting permission from the Town Hall. I suppose there are still fish in the lake, as we stocked it
with bass and perch.
The most attractive elements of the ranch for me was to be able to walk or drive around the property, and
depending on where you were, the movement and lay of the terrain, the time of day created entirely
different atmospheres, and one could easily get lost in thought generated by the different views.
Email from Zourab, October 2, 2017
Marieta and Pedro already knew Dorothy and Jay due to the Arabian Horse Association connection.
I met the Streams when they came to our wedding in Palma de Mallorca, in September 1974.Then, when we
were on our honeymoon, we stopped off in San Luis Obispo to visit the Streams.
Well, it was love at first sight! Marieta called her father from Jay's office, and told him that as he wanted to
have a property in America, that she had found the ideal place and even the ideal property.
A few weeks later, we returned with Pedro, (I was the translator) and that's how it all began!
So basically, it was Marieta with her enthusiasm and energy that turned talk and ideas into
A few words on Marieta have to include besides running her Spanish Arabian Horse breeding
farm, in Mallorca, and being today one of the top breeders in Spain, she has an association for
drug addicts, for whom she has rented and renovated a big country home, which she visits
regularly to make sure that the addicts are doing their treatments. She also organizes once a
year in the autumn, a 5-day fair where all the proceeds go to the above-mentioned
association, she created, called "El Refugi" (The Refuge)
As you can read Marieta was then and now at the centre of things whether in SLO or Mallorca,
which makes her the driving force behind our association and heritage of LLR.
Figure 101: Lake Igor from Los Nomadas Resort brochure