Page 19 - MANOBANDA_VIVIANA_Portfolio
P. 19

U.4  Interpret the cultural and linguistic impact of the Hispanic population on the United States and American English through analysis of literary works.

           Class Hours               Learning        Independent

                                application and        hours including
    Thematic Units                       experimenting       research and        Assessment tools
             Theoretical        Practical        Hours        practices         community

                              component       service
   4.1 Hispanic Influence on Culture and   3      1                    4       Tasks
   Language in the U.S.
   4.2 Historical context: The Hispanic   2      1                    4       Scoring scales
   Background of the United States
   4.3 Spanglish and Chicano English in   3      1                    5       Questionnaires
   informal and formal contexts (songs,
   literature, etc.)
                                            Mind maps

                                            Written tasks

                                            Summative tests

                                            Digital tasks in Excel

    SUBTOTAL HOURS      8      3                    13        TOTAL HOURS      20

 Learning outcome: Illustrate the influence of Hispanic culture and Spanish on American culture and English, through a role- play

 Learning Methodologies: Collaborative Learning; Project based learning, Study case, problem based learning

 Educational Strategies: Simulations; Conferences; Mind maps creation

 Didactic Resources: Slides, markers, projector, audiovisual aids, internet
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