Page 25 - Infocus 4 January 2018 _Neat
P. 25

Akshaya Patra’s flair for innovation helped it scale up, with the Foundation feeding over   6.2 What we can learn from others
 1.6 million children across 12 states today. While that’s a huge number, it accounts for less
 than two percent of the total number of children covered by the Mid-Day Meals Scheme.   Programme-Parent Synergy
 The fact makes evident a strong need to reach out to more children consistently.  Objective: Boost awareness among parents
              Inspiration - Act Locally by CRY
 Fuelled by the flair to innovate, Akshaya Patra partnered with Innovation Alchemy
 to develop the ‘hub and spoke’ model. Based on the ‘20 km delivery rule’, the model
 encompasses a centralised unit, which acts as the hub, and has smaller units or spokes
 acting as satellite kitchens. Food is processed at the hub, while the final preparation,
 packaging, and delivery are undertaken by the smaller satellite kitchens.

 The model is expected to double the capacity of a centralised kitchen while reducing
 the average capital cost. This, in turn, will help Akshaya Patra scale and reach a larger
 number of school children by enhancing its reach across rural India. Furthermore, it will
 significantly reduce the cost of delivery and even provide more employment opportunities   ‘Act Locally’ is CRY’s anti-child labour campaign designed to create awareness among
 for the locals.  parents about their children’s education. The organisation does it through its network of
              volunteers called Public Action Groups (PAG), who work towards addressing the root causes
              that affect the basic rights of children. The initiative doesn’t just help CRY identify and
 The hub and spoke   The concept has a   The implementation of   eliminate problems, but also encourages people to be a part of this movement.
 model is based on the   hub where the food is   hub and spoke model
 ‘20 km delivery rule.’  processed and spokes,   doubles the capacity of   How we can do it
 which are satellite   centralised kitchen and   Beneficiaries’ parents are among our crucial stakeholders, and therefore, bringing them into
 kitchens where the final   reduces the capital cost.  the fold by making them aware of the Mid-Day Meal Programme will give the initiative a
 preparation, packaging,   personal touch. This can be done by organising events/campaigns exclusively for parents.
 and delivery are
 undertaken.  It can be a biannual event where parents and community representatives gather to be a part

              of TAPF’s awareness programme. This will not just help engage them in our work, but will
              also create awareness about mid-day meals served to their children. Such initiatives will also
              increase parents’ and public’s support for the programme.



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