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P. 33

        To be or noT To be:

        Career ChoiCes in-depTh

        “First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And     endorses Disney’s quote, as she too thinks that
        finally, dare,” Walt Disney… Easier said than done,   visualizing is a crucial part to knowing your values.
        right? Well fear not, as career coach Amira Shawky    As a life coach, she is responsible for helping out
        will be guiding us through the steps of acquiring the   with digging-up values. To do so, she gathers a list
        career you desire.                                    with 140 all the way up to 480 values. The more
                                                              nuanced the term written, the different the meaning
        There are three main aspects to be understood:        to each person; thus, the abundance of values they
        firstly, values are derived from personal beliefs;    get subjected to. While going through this list of
        attitudes are the perceptual yield of an evaluation   values, envisioning your work life is a way to help
        to both the situation and the values; whilst norms    decide which values belong to you. “Architects
        are the societal standards which tend to influence    draw a blue print, which is a way of envisioning the
        the values to begin with. An example to a value is    object they’re trying to build, similarly when you are
        honesty, an attitude is how you exercise honesty      building your career,” Coach Shawky elaborates.
        and the societal standards is how the society
        defines honesty.                                      Awakening the awareness is another step to
                                                              adopting your values. Since we have previously
        Values Insider                                        mentioned that values are changeable in
                                                                              accordance with characteristic
        To begin with, it’s important                                         development, then being aware
        for each individual to specify                                        to the kinds of changes that take
        their value in life. The term                                         place is needed. Important as the
        value neither means morals nor                                        career values are, however, when
        religious restrictions; in fact, they   Emotions and rationality are on   choosing a career, the primary
        are the things you hold closely      the same side as both come from   focus should not only lie on career
        as a person; what’s important to       the mind; they are feedback    values, but your values as a person
        you. Norms, on the other hand,        loops from the body telling me   holistically, so you can gain as
        are various and they change         something. Listen to them, analyze   much fulfillment as possible.
        from one social circle to another.
        Values can change by time;             them, understand what they     Work-Life Balance
        however, they are yours and only      are; they are always indicating
        yours.                                         something.             Speaking of fulfillment, careers are
                                                                              not the only things that influence a
        Speaking of change, the reason                                        sense of achievement. For a lot of
        values change is that the human                                       people, a job is a means to an end,
        personality is always evolving,                       not necessarily the end. Most of us work for income
        which means that the values will evolve as well.      and there is no shame in that. Which means that if
        There are numerous types of values: life values,      this is your priority, you will not over-invest in your
        career values, relationship values and parenting      work. You will work enough to get the reward you
        values too. To elaborate on how malleable values      are looking for. Imbalances are inevitable, though.
        can sometimes be Coach Shawky says, “maybe            By the time the imbalance takes place, one aspect
        at the beginning of a professional life, somebody     encroaches over the other, more often than ever,
        would be willing to sacrifice work-life balance in    work encroaches on your personal life. Here you
        order to gain more experience; in this case this      ought to pause and ask yourself this: why am I
        person values experience more than work-life          working? what are the things I’m looking for in my
        balance; however, as time goes by and he adopts       job and what am I willing to sacrifice to get those
        other responsibilities like having a family, a child of   things? If you work for income, passion, fulfillment
        their own… etc, then his values will change.”         then it becomes more than just a job, which will

        Here comes an intriguing question: do stable values   feed into your relationships, your self-development
        exist? Or are they all changeable? Well, there are    as well as your spirituality too. It’s a matter of being
        core values, ranging from five to seven. Their lack   aware of what you want to achieve through this
        of existence induces a feeling of incoherence and     vessel which is your job; is it just about income or
        lack of relatability. Should you, however, encounter   does it help me achieve other things?
        a situation where there is a conflict between what    Making sure to eliminate situations that conflict
        must be done and your own values, irritation is       with your values as often as possible facilitates
        definitely the emotion having the upper hand in this   the process of truthfulness towards them. There
        scenario. At this point, trading-off is your way to go.  are some indirectly abrasive situations that
        “If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there’s   may threaten your values and would make life
        some way to do it,” Walt Disney. Coach Shawky         challenging to live with. If it is an unavoidable
                                                              situation, acknowledging the amount of stress it

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