Page 36 - Final Project.indd
P. 36

Career Shifts:

            Aren’t they a Work
            of Fiction?

              eeling overwhelmed about your career is only normal when you hear that the number of
              unemployed people has easily reached 2,920 million people according to CAPMAS. Carrying your
        Fbackpack through school, aspiring of replacing it with a briefcase to lead a successful career,
        adds even more pressure on you when it comes to making a career decision. Jobs, however, are not
        death sentences; despite being painted on the canvas of impossibility, Ahmed Asran, an engineer with
        a sweet-tooth and Mahmoud Maghrabi, a businessman who believes in the power of communities, are
        here to prove that career shifts are possible.

        Ahmed Elsayed Asran

           I chose engineering because I have always been     of making dessert because I love it however, for
        good with mathematics, always acing my exams.         engineering I will need the certificate in the future
        In Saudi Arabia I went to a competition where         and that is one of the reasons to why I have not
        the winner goes to university for free.  Taking into   dropped out of university.
        consideration how expensive universities are in
        KSA, winning this competition is a bid deal! Just        For my goal, I want to be a businessman, this
        like that, I won the competition; I moved to Egypt    is my long-term goal. It all clicked together when
        instead, though.                                      I started making desserts for my friends and they
                                                              were the ones who initially encouraged me to start
           Sorrowfully, once I went to university my grades   selling instead of giving them away as gifts. My
        declined a few years later because I wasn’t feeling   reply at that time was that the only recipes I do
        passionate about the subjects I was learning. In      are the ones I remember from the time before the
        fact, I picked a field I was good at, but my emotions   incident, other than that, I’m not good with making
        did not really align with my rational at the time. My   desserts.
        true passion is in cooking. In high school, I had
        undergone a nasal pockets’ surgery that went             The thought was too tempting; it actually
        wrong; leaving me with a life-long deformity; it      encouraged me to give it a shot. I have never tried
        ruined my ability to both taste and smell.            cinnamon rolls before; in fact, I was planning on
                                                              trying them once I arrived to Egypt. So, what’s there
           During that time, everything tasted quite the      to stop me from developing my own cinnamon rolls
        same. Losing something you used to take for           recipe for everyone to enjoy?
        granted brings its value to the limelight. I developed
        an obsession to the extent that I had decided to         And just like that Nebula, my Facebook page
        learn how to cook and got way better at it,especially  started. The challenges I have faced; nevertheless,
        with sweets. I have decided to continue in the field   needed a lot of effort to get surpassed.

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