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        May Must Reads

              Gen Z is struggling nowadays due to the tremendous flow of information they are served with
        and the lack of knowledge of ways to mobilize this information to their benefit. To brief you in,
        according to demographers, Gen Z are the people born from mid-90s and through mid-2000; the
        ones with the most access to all kinds of raw information. Buckle-up, all Gen Z’s out there, for you
        are about to formulate a new perspective on values, beliefs and norms through the upcoming page
        turners, presented to you by some of the worlds’ greatest minds; here’s a sneak-peak…

        80,000 Hours

        “Pursue your passion.” The ultimately redundant
        cliché we have all gotten tired of hearing. Because,
        let’s face it, we are neither aware of what passion
        truly embodies in careers generally, nor do we
        know whether our passion would be a pathway
        to ensuring sustainable income and success.
        Benjamin Todd introduces a rather distinct
        approach to the career coaching arena; in terms of
        both planning in addition to pursuing a career in his
        book 80,000 Hours: Finding a Fulfilling Career That
        Does Good.
        “Rather than “follow your passion”, our slogan for
        a fulfilling career is: get good at something that
        helps others. Or simply: do what contributes,” Todd
        says in his book that was published on November
        28, 2016, with a 4.10 rating on Goodreads.
        Furthermore, he introduces the meaning of being
        a high-impact citizen to the limelight, where he
        thoroughly explains the presence of a fine line
        between having tangible impact and authentic
        The foundation of the book is set on four main
        perspectives: the myth of pursuing your passion,
        the most obvious choices are not always the best
        paths for contribution, comparing controversial
        as well as scaling them from most urgent to least
        urgent, and lastly, introspecting points of strength.
        Through these ideas and among the tips and tricks
        scattered across the pages of the book,

                                                              Todd aims to influence his readers towards an
                                                              assertive career path, rather than one built on
                             Rather                           emotional basis; promising not only a stable career
                                                              path, but one that contributes greatly to society.
                      than “follow your                       This sense of altruism -striving for the greater

                   passion”, our slogan for                   good of the society- that Benjamin Todd adopts
                                                              is, in fact, one of the values he depends on in
               a fulfilling career is: get                    his message to the public and encourages the
                                                              contributors to his project 80,000 hours to adopt as
                                                              well, amongst three more values: having consistent
                  good at something that                      evidence forever and always, delivering high
                                                              quality advice along with transparency in delivering
                      helps others.                           messages, which means that all the conclusions his
                                                              project has reached can be found by the public on
                                                              the website he established.

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