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focus, and in order to fill it up, cutting down on carrying out multiple tasks at
a time does wonders. Lastly comes the spiritual battery, which is the energy
responsible for purpose. As long as the values and daily tasks are intact, this
battery shall stay full.
These are tools to be used when people are demotivated; finding out
which battery needs to get replenished and then putting together an action
plan to address the drainage and recharge is one of the options. The physi-
cal battery is the easiest to recharge. The rest of the energy sources require
a whole lot of self-awareness that’s why Coach Shawky advises working on
them with a life coach should drainage be imminent, “being emotionally aware
is a conscious decision that you make every day: I want to be aware of my
emotions,” she says.
Another way to recharge is to do daily activities known as “practices”
one of the easiest, and it works for most people is practicing gratitude. Simple
as it may sound, we rarely appreciate a good cup of coffee, or pay attention to
a new flower in the garden next door. In fact, There’s a symbiotic relationship
between gratitude and joy. The more you practice gratitude, the more joy you
feel, and the more joy you feel, the more you become aware of the little things
that happen that make you feel grateful.
Determining Your Goals
The part we have been building for from the beginning of the article.
It takes a great deal of self-awareness to put together the values; however,
external pressure is inevitable. Since societal voices get cultivated into our
minds, we find it challenging to differentiate between our own voice and the
one that got stuck in our heads. We have a set of beliefs which come from
cultural norms and teachings that we internalize and believe to be truthful;
they are sometimes empowering and others might be limiting. Examine your
beliefs; understand which ones are empowering and which ones are limiting.
In order to break free of this cycle, an expert is needed to challenge these
beliefs correctly. Some are changeable, others are dogmatic; very difficult to
change. If your belief is stopping you, you can challenge them; however, they
need interference. Unless you do a whole lot of journaling, self-development
and self-reflection, it is highly challenging to counter your own beliefs.
The issue with careers is that they aren’t as linear as education is. And
people change careers every day, as new professions are pop-up. An abun-
dance of new titles has popped up in less than 10 years. They can either serve
a purpose or a means to a purpose. “Nothing is edged in stone; you can come
and go as you wish,” Coach Shawky says encouragingly.
Not your usual handbook of does and don’ts, is it? This is a pathway for
you to shape your own mindset however you please, because guess what, life
is way more flexible than you think. Pressure is definitely one of the causes
towards lack of flexibility; nonetheless, it all relates to your values, your energy
levels, and what you choose for your career to be: an end, or a means to an